Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

دسترسی یکساله به بیش از ۵۰۰ ژورنال روز جهان موجود در سامانه
  • ﻣﺪﺕ ﺯﻣﺎﻥ : 365 ﺭﻭﺯ
  • قیمت : 3,800,000 تومان
  • قیمت ویژه : 1,900,000تومان

Editorial board

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(21)02860-7

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages A1-A2

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Table of contents

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(21)02861-9

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages A4, A6, A8, A17-A25

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Information for readers

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(21)02862-0

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page A26

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

JAAD Case Reports article list

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(21)02863-2

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages A28, A34-A35

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Journal based CME instructions and information

doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(21)02864-4

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page A36

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The epidemiology, impact, and diagnosis of micronutrient nutritional dermatoses part 1: Zinc, selenium, copper, vitamin A, and vitamin C

JacobNosewiczBSaNatalieSpaccarelliMDaKristen M.RobertsPhD, RDNbPhil A.HartMDbJessica A.KaffenbergerMDaJohn C.TrinidadMD, MPHaBenjamin H.KaffenbergerMD, MSa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.079

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 267-278

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.11.033

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page 279

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Answers to CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.11.034

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page 280

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The epidemiology, impact, and diagnosis of micronutrient nutritional dermatoses. Part 2: B-complex vitamins

JacobNosewiczBSaNatalieSpaccarelliMDaKristen M.RobertsPhD, RDNbPhil A.HartMDbJessica A.KaffenbergerMDaJohn C.TrinidadMD, MPHaBenjamin H.KaffenbergerMD, MSa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.06.900

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 281-292

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.01.007

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page 293

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Answers to CME examination

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.01.008

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page 294

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Black swan events

Dirk M.ElstonMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.01.086

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 295-296

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

This month in JAAD: February 2022

Dirk M.ElstonMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.11.017

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 297-298

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

This month in JAAD Case Reports: February 2022 Availability and Anchoring Biases


doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.11.047

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page 299

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

This month in JAAD International: March 2022: Photography, skin cancer, and the limits of teledermatology during the COVID-19 pandemic

JonathanKantorMD, MSCE

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.12.001

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page 300

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

From the Cochrane Library: Interventions for hand eczema

DanielStrockBSaJalalMaghfourMDbRobert P.DellavalleMD, PhD, MSPHcde

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.048

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e31-e34

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Loop extension to tie running epidermal sutures with limited tail in dermatologic surgery: A video walkthrough

Tyler A.DowningMDaMalia B.DowningMDbAnandRajparaMDbThomas L.H.HockerMDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.04.012

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e35

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The inflammatory component of androgenetic alopecia

Warren R.HeymannMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.11.013

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 301-302

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Cost effectiveness of intermediate-risk squamous cell carcinoma treated with Mohs micrographic surgery compared with wide local excision

JeremyUdkoffMD, MA, MASaBrandon T.BealMDbcDavid G.BrodlandMDcThomasKnackstedtMDd

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.059

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 303-311

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Molecular characterization of fast-growing melanomas

CarolineGaudy-MarquesteMD, PhDaNicolasMacagnoMD, PhDbAndersonLoundouPhDcEricPellegrinoMScdL'houcineOuafikPhDdTimothyBuddenPhDePiyushkumarMundraPhDfGabrielaGremelPhDfVictoriaAkhrasMDgLijingLinPhDhMartinCookMDfRajivKumarPhDiJean-JacquesGrobMDaEduardoNagoreMD, PhDjRichardMaraisPhDfAmayaVirósMD, PhDe

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.011

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 312-321

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The inflammatory proteome of hidradenitis suppurativa skin is more expansive than that of psoriasis vulgaris

KristinaNavrazhinaPhDabSandraGarcetPhDaJohn W.FrewMBBSaXiuzhongZhengMSaIsraelCoatsBAaEmmaGuttman-YasskyMD, PhDcJames G.KruegerMD, PhDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.035

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 322-330

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Cumulative incidence and disease-specific survival of metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A nationwide cancer registry study

SelinTokezMScaMarliesWakkeeMD, PhDaWilnerKanBScaZoe C.VenablesMDbcAntien L.MooyaartMD, PhDdMariekeLouwmanPhDeTamarNijstenMD, PhDaLoes M.HollesteinPhDae

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.067

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 331-338

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

A 10-year retrospective cohort study of ruxolitinib and association with nonmelanoma skin cancer in patients with polycythemia vera and myelofibrosis

John Q.LinBSaShirley Q.LiBSAbShufengLiMSaEileen F.KiamaneshMScSumaira Z.AasiMDaBernice Y.KwongMDaAnne LynnSu ChangMDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.10.004

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 339-344

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Late-onset adverse events of anti-PD1 therapy in melanoma patients: An observational study from MELBASE, a nationwide prospective cohort

ClémentineCarletMDaStéphaneDalleMD PhDbMarie-ThérèseLecciaMD, PhDcLaurentMortierMD, PhDdSophieDalac-RatMDeCarolineDutriauxMDfDelphineLegoupilMDgHenriMontaudiéMDhOlivierDereureMD, PhDiJulieDe QuatrebarbesMDjFlorenceGranel-BrocardMDkMyrtilleLe-BouarBSbJulieCharlesMD, PhDcFlorenceBrunet-PossentiMDlBrigitteDrenoMD, PhDmWendyLefevreBSnClaraAllayousPhDnCélesteLebbeMD, PhDnCharléeNardinMDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.06.849

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 345-352

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Disparities in nonmelanoma skin cancer in Hispanic/Latino patients based on Mohs micrographic surgery defect size: A multicenter retrospective study

Laura Y.BlumenthalMDaJuliaArzenoMDbNicoleSyderBAcSinaRabiMDdMargaretHuangBScErickCastellanosBSePatrickTranBAeTrevor A.PickeringPhD, MSfEmily J.DantusBAcGino K.InMD, MPHgTeresaSorianoMDbJenny C.HuMD, MPHd

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.08.052

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 353-358

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Development of the alopecia areata scale for clinical use: Results of an academic–industry collaborative effort

Brett A.KingMD, PhDaNatasha AtanaskovaMesinkovskaMD, PhDbBrittanyCraiglowMDaChesahnaKindredMD, MBAcJustinKoMD, MBAdAmyMcMichaelMDeJerryShapiroMDfCarolynGohMDgParadiMirmiraniMDhAntonellaTostiMDiMariaHordinskyMDjKathie P.HuangMDkLeslieCastelo-SoccioMD, PhDlWilmaBergfeldMDmAmy S.PallerMDnJulianMackay-WigganMDoMarcGlashoferMDpCrystalAguhMDqMelissaPiliangMDmPedramYazdanMDnKristenLo SiccoMDfJames V.CassellaPhDrJustineKoenigsbergBScrGurpreetAhluwaliaPhDsEricGhorayebMDtStevenFakharzadehMD, PhDtLynneNapatalungMDuKavitaGandhiMSuAmy M.DeLozierPhDvFabio P.NunesMDtvMaryanne M.SennaMDw

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.08.043

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 359-364

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Phenotypes of atopic dermatitis and the risk for subsequent asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

HongminLiMD, PhDaTingDaiMD, PhDbCongLiuMDaQingLiuMDaChengTanMD, PhDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.064

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 365-372

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Differences in health care resource utilization and costs for keratinocyte carcinoma among racioethnic groups: A population-based study

Tiffany J.SierroMDaLaura Y.BlumenthalMDbJoshuaHekmatjahMDaVipawee S.ChatMDaAri A.KassardjianMDaCharlotteReadMBBS, BScacApril W.ArmstrongMD, MPHa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.005

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 373-378

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Survival differences in acral lentiginous melanoma according to socioeconomic status and race

Bernice Y.YanMDStevenBarillaMDAndrewStrunkMAAmitGargMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.049

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 379-386

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Development and validation of the fingertip unit for assessing Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index

Jung MinBaeMD, PhDaRaheelZubairMD, MHSbHyun JeongJuMDaIndermeetKohliPhDbHan NaLeeMSaSung HyeEunMDaAlexis B.LyonsMDbGauthamVellaichamyBSbTae YoungHanMD, PhDcHenry W.LimMDbIltefat H.HamzaviMDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.06.880

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 387-393

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The completeness and accuracy of DataDerm: The database of the American Academy of Dermatology

MartaVan BeekMD, MPHaRobert A.SwerlickMDbBarbaraMathesMDcMargo J.ReederMDdToniKayeBS, MPHeArikAninosBS, MSceMatthew E.FitzgeraldMPH, DrPHeCaryn D.EtkinPhD, MPHeJeffrey P.JacobsMDef

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.06.024

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 394-398

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Mixed evidence on the relationship between socioeconomic position and atopic dermatitis: A systematic review

HarsimranBajwaMPHaMohsenBaghchechiBSbMahasinMujahidPhD, MScMi-SukKang DufourPhD, MPHdSinéad M.LanganFRCP, MSc, PhDeKatrinaAbuabaraMD, MA, MSCEf

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.018

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 399-405

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Janus kinase inhibitors in dermatology: Part I. A comprehensive review

StephanieChapmanMS, MDMichaelKwaMDLinda SteinGoldMDHenry W.LimMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.002

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 406-413

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Janus kinase inhibitors in dermatology: Part II. A comprehensive review

StephanieChapmanMS, MDLinda SteinGoldMDHenry W.LimMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.06.873

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 414-422

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Tofacitinib as treatment for refractory dermatomyositis: A retrospective study from 2 academic medical centers

Michelle S.MinMD, MSaAbeerAlsarheedMDabBinaKassamaliBAaDaniel R.MazoriMDaMorganSchaeferBSaJoseph F.MerolaMD, MMScacGabrielaCobosMDaAvery H.LaChanceMD, MPHaRuth AnnVleugelsMD, MPH, MBAa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.003

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 423-425

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Efficacy and safety profile of oral spironolactone use for androgenic alopecia: A systematic review

JaBreia F.JamesBSaTaylor A.JamersonBAbCrystalAguhMDc

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.048

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 425-429

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

How safe is prescribing oral minoxidil in patients allergic to topical minoxidil?


doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.04.027

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 429-431

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Adverse events associated with dupilumab in the World Health Organization pharmacovigilance database

ThomasBettuzziMD, MPHabAaronDruckerMD, ScMcdDelphineStaumont-SalléMD, PhDeKevinBihanPharmDfBénédicteLebrun-VignesMDfEmilieSbidianMD, PhDabg

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.050

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 431-433

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Methotrexate for pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (Mucha-Habermann disease) and pityriasis lichenoides chronica: A retrospective case series of 33 patients with an emphasis on outcomes

Matthew L.HrinBAaNathan L.BowersMD, PhDaJoseph L.JorizzoMDaSteven R.FeldmanMD, PhDabcdWilliam W.HuangMD, MPHa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.045

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 433-437

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Perifollicular inflammation and follicular spongiosis in androgenetic alopecia

JohnPlanteMD, MSCRaManuelValdebranMDabJessicaForcucciMDcOliviaLucasBSaDirkElstonMDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.040

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 437-438

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Lack of association between atopic dermatitis severity and worsening during pregnancy: A cross-sectional study

UrosRakitaMScaTrishaKaundinyaBSbJonathan I.SilverbergMD, PhD, MPHc

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.066

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 438-440

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Analysis of utilization, cost and, prescription trends of onychomycosis medications among Medicare patients

YuWangMDaShari R.LipnerMD, PhDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.10.007

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 440-442

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

A cross-sectional study of ethnoracial representation in pediatric plaque psoriasis clinical trials

MeganMoscaBSJulieHongBSEdwardHadelerBAMarwaHakimiMDNicholasBrownstoneMDTinaBhutaniMAS, MDWilsonLiaoMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.060

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 442-444

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Characterization of medical malpractice lawsuits relating to dermatologic emergencies in the inpatient and emergency settings

BradRumancikPharmDaBenjamin J.KeeleJD, MLSbSahandRahnama-MoghadamMD, MSac

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.02.015

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 445-446

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Dermatology residency programs' websites in the virtual era: A cross-sectional analysis

Melissa A.NicklesBAaVishnutheerthaKulkarniMSbJeffrey A.VargheseBScJenna E.McKenneyBAcAbby J.HaglindArpan V.PrabhuMDe

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.064

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 447-448

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The association of chronic pruritus with patients' quality of life: A cross-sectional study

Zoe MorganLipmanBSaQai VenYapBSbJordanRosenMDaLeighNattkemperPhDaGilYosipovitchMDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.062

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 448-450

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Wound dressings improve quality of life for hidradenitis suppurativa patients

CaralinSchneiderBADaniela P.SanchezMDFlorMacQuhaeMDScottStratmanBSHadarLev-TovMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.058

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 450-453

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

A cross-sectional analysis of Medicaid acceptance among US dermatology residency training programs

Jazzmin C.WilliamsBSaAlexandra E.MaxeyBAaMaria L.WeiMD, PhDabcErin H.AmersonMDad

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.046

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 453-455

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Incidence and risk factors for early mortality in adults with skin Merkel cell carcinoma: A SEER-based study

FanWangMDabXiu-YunWangBSccXianJiangPhD, MDab

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.020

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 455-458

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Wound care dressings for pyoderma gangrenosum

Jennifer L.StrunckMDabBrettCutlerBSabEmileLatourMSbLuciaSeminario-VidalMD, PhDcdAlex G.Ortega-LoayzaMD, MCRb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.053

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 458-460

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Allergens in patients with a diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis, North American Contact Dermatitis Group data, 2001-2016

Jonathan I.SilverbergMD, PhD, MPHaAlexanderHouBSbErin M.WarshawMD, MScdeHoward I.MaibachMDfDonald V.BelsitoMDgJoel G.DeKovenMDhKathryn A.ZugMDiJames S.TaylorMDjDenisSassevilleMDkAnthony F.FranswayMDlVincent A.DeLeoMDmMelanie D.PrattMDnMargo J.ReederMDoAmber R.AtwaterMDpJoseph F.FowlerJr.MDqMatthew J.ZirwasMDrJames G.MarksJr.MDsCory A.DunnickMDtuMarie-ClaudeHouleMDCMv

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.039

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 460-463

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Development of Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills in facial cosmetic procedures: Botulinum toxin neuromodulator and soft-tissue filler injection

Kathleen C.SuozziMDaNourKibbiMDbKachiu C.LeeMDcBrandonWorleyMD, MScdKarina C.FurlanMDeBianca Y.KangBSdSarah A.IbrahimBAdEmilyPoonPhDdMuradAlamMD, MBA, MSCIddfghCosmetic Education Work Group?

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.08.063

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 463-467

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

A retrospective study of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis diagnosis and clinical presentation

Tracey S.OttoMSabYahyaArgobiMDacMelinda J.LerwillMDadGideon P.SmithMD, PhD, MPHacFlaviaFedelesMDac

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.055

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 467-469

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Precise measurement of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma thickness

AnnikaWeinhammerMDaDaniel D.BennettMDaJack B.LongleyMDaJensEickhoffPhDbYaohui GloriaXuMD, PhDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.049

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 469-471

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Prevalence of Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and osteogenesis imperfecta in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa

RuneKjærsgaard AndersenMD, MScaAndrewStrunkMAbRachelTannenbaumBSbJurrBoerMD, PhDcAmitGargMDbGregorJemecMD, DMScad

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.047

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 471-474

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Pseudoangioedema in dermatomyositis patients indicates severe disease and poor prognosis

XinzhiXuMAJunxiaHuangMAXiuyuanWangBSMingLiMD, PhDJiYangMD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.043

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 474-475

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Reference for common contact allergens present in prescription topical corticosteroids

MiaMologousisBSaAri M.GoldminzMDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.015

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 476-478

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Dermatology consent form readability as a barrier to comprehension and inclusivity: A cross-sectional study

AdamFaletskyBSabJane J.HanBSacYssraSolimanMDdMichaelStephensMDaSaraLiBSabKaren J.LeeBSaJustinKoMD, MBAeArashMostaghimiMD, MPA, MPHa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.035

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 478-480

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Patient reported outcome measures in patients undergoing Mohs micrographic surgery: Timing matters

TylerEvansMDEricaLeeMDAshleyWysongMS, MDAdamSuttonMBA, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.037

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 480-481

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Frontal fibrosing alopecia in men: A multicenter study of 39 patients

AlejandroLobato-BerezoMDaMaribelIglesias-SanchoMDbEnriqueRodríguez-LombaMDcJuan FranciscoMir-BonaféMDdVirginiaVelasco-TamarizMDeMaría LibradaPorriño-BustamanteMDfRamónGrimaltMD, PhDgIgnasiFigueras-NartMDhAndreaCombaliaMDiRamon M.PujolMD, PhDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.033

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 481-484

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Evaluation of a community education tool for detection of nail melanoma by nail salon technicians

Lindsey J.GaghanBSaHelenBuiBSaShari R.LipnerMD, PhDbNathaniel J.JellinekMDcdeJulie E.MervakMDf

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.025

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 484-485

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Dupilumab-induced ocular surface disease: A systematic review


doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.029

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 486-487

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Racial disparities in mortality among patients with prurigo nodularis: A multi-center cohort study

NishadhSutariaBSaWaleedAdawiMSaIsabelleBrownBSaVarshaParthasarathyBSaYoukyung S.RohBAaJustinChoiBAaZachary A.BordeauxBSaPavinTrinhBSaThomas K.LeBSaJunwenDengBAaYevgeniy R.SemenovMD, MAbShawn G.KwatraMDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.028

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 487-490

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Medical schools as gatekeepers: A survey and analysis of factors predicting dermatology residency placement

PrincessOgidiBS, MPHaFahadAhmedBAbBrian A.CahnMD, MScBrianChuBSbJules B.LipoffMDde

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.027

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 490-492

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The disproportionate burden of electronic health record messages with image attachments in dermatology

Ethan D.BorreBAaMatilda W.NicholasMD, PhDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.026

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 492-494

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Incidence and severity of COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune blistering skin diseases: A nationwide study

PascalJolyMD, PhD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.10.034

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 494-497

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Ethics of post-trial access to treatment in dermatology

SarahNasserBSabAbraham M.KormanMDbStephanie K.FabbroMDbc

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.04.096

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 498-499

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doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.10.006

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page 500

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Budesonide capsules for peristomal pyoderma gangrenosum

MichelleBoettlerBSaBenjaminKaffenbergerMD, MSb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.05.053

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e37-e38

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Gauze eye cover for an improved patient experience during Mohs surgery

JackLeeMDMark A.RussellMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.038

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e39-e40

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

A minimally invasive, novel technique to improve outcomes of the surgical management of pseudocyst of the auricle


doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.08.044

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e41-e42

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Use of disposable syringe for transfer of graft in suction blister epidermal grafting

Bhabani S.T.P.SinghMBBS, MDIshanAgrawalMBBSBikash RanjanKarMBBS, MD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.08.054

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e43-e44

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

The Loma Linda loop: A closure technique for high-tension wounds

Peter A.YoungMPASJonathan R.ZumwaltMD, FAAD, FACMS

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.08.025

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e45-e46

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

A rapid and convenient method for serial measurement of skin lesions

ShivalSrivastavMD, DNBaAbhishekBhardwajMDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.063

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e47-e48

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Comment on “Dermatologists in social media: A study on top influencers, posts, and user engagement”

Anthony K.GuzmanMDaJohn S.BarbieriMD, MBAb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.03.118

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e49-e50

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Reply to: “Comment on ‘Dermatologists in social media: A study on top influencers, posts, and user engagement’”

Tiffany J.SierroBSaPaulina M.YoungBSaSophia K.KassabianBSbKevin K.WuBAcApril W.ArmstrongMD, MPHa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.04.061

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e51

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Cultural sensitivity: Response to review of cutaneous flushing


doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2017.10.057

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e53

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Response to “Cultural sensitivity: response to review of cutaneous flushing”

AzeenSadeghianMDaHaileyRouhanaMDbBrittanyOswald-StumpfMDaErinBohMD, PhDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2017.12.061

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e55

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Skin of color representation in medical education: An analysis of National Board of Medical Examiners' self-assessments and popular question banks

Abigail L.MeckleyBSaColby L.PresleyBS, BAaMindy D.SzetoMSbCassandraJohnsonDOcVictoriaMcCarverDOcEzraHooverDOdSameeha S.HusaynBSaTaylorHarpBAaTaylor M.RunionBSaMichelleMilitelloMSaRobert P.DellavalleMD, PhD, MSPHbe

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.041

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e57-e59

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Underrepresentation of skin of color in medical education: An updated analysis of popular question banks

Virginia A.JonesMD, MSabKaylaClarkBScIvyObonyoBScMaria M.TsoukasMD, PhDc

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.042

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e61-e63

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Polypodium leucotomos as an adjunct to the treatment of vitiligo

TamaraSearleBScaFirasAl-NiaimiEBDV, MRCPbFaisal R.AliPhD, FRCPcd

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.05.073

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e65

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency–associated panniculitis: A potentially challenging diagnosis but an important one for patients

LloydSteeleMBChBabCharlie D.MitchellMBBScAlexa R.ShipmanBMBChcKate E.ShipmanBMBChd

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.06.897

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e67-e68

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Response to: “Treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa using a long-pulsed hair removal neodymium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet laser: A multicenter, prospective, randomized, intraindividual, comparative trial”

NneamakaEzekweMDDavid M.OzogMDIltefat H.HamzaviMD

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.06.890

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e69-e70

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Reply to “Dermatologists in social media: A study on top influencers, posts, and user engagement”: Dermatologist influencers on TikTok

Colby L.PresleyBS, BAaKayd J.PulsipherBSaHope R.RietcheckBSbMindy D.SzetoMSbMelissa R.LaughterPhDbRobert P.DellavallePhD, MD, MSPHbcd

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.01.090

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e71-e73

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Reply to “Comment on ‘Dermatologists in social media: A study on top influencers, posts, and user engagement’: Dermatologist influencers on TikTok”

Tiffany J.SierroBSaPaulina M.YoungMDbSophia K.KassabianBScKevin K.WuMDdAprilArmstrongMD, MPHa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.01.089

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e75

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Residency applicant photographs: Why do we ask for them?

Reid A.WaldmanMDaSteven D.WaldmanMDbJane M.Grant-KelsMDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.05.062

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e77

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Comment on: “Pattern hair loss: Assessment of inflammation and fibrosis on histologic sections”


doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.04.176

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e79-e80

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Reply to “Comment on: Pattern hair loss: Assessment of inflammation and fibrosis on histologic sections”

ManuelValdebranMDaLindaDoanMD, PhDbDirk M.ElstonMDa

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.05.040

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e81

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Food and Drug Administration's proposed sunscreen final administrative order: How does it affect sunscreens in the United States?

Henry W.LimMDaTasneem F.MohammadMDaSteve Q.WangMDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.052

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e83-e84

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Buried dermal set-back suture placement: Considerations for optimizing long-term outcomes

JonathanKantorMD, MSCEabDaniel B.EisenMDcLeonard M.DzubowMDd

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.034

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e85

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

From the Cochrane Library: Interventions for infantile seborrheic dermatitis (including cradle cap)

ShahzebHassanBAaMindy D.SzetoMSbTorunn E.SivesindMDbRohailMemonBAaAbraarMuneemBAcAnoushaVictoireBA (Hons), BMed, MPHTM, DipForensMed, FRACGPdParker J.MaginPhD, FRACGPdMieke L.van DrielMD, MSc, PhD, FRACGPeMotassemNashawatyBSfRobert P.DellavalleMD, PhD, MSPHbg

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.031

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages e87-e88

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Passing of Robert J. Friedman, MD, MSc

Darrell S.RigelMD, MSaEdwardHeilmanMDb

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.09.021

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 501-502

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

February 2022 iotaderma (#336)

Robert I.RudolphMD, FACP

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.08.009

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e89

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

January 2022 iotaderma (#335)

Robert I.RudolphMD, FACP

doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.07.009

Volume 86, Issue 2, February 2022, Page e89

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

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