Anesthesia and Analgesia

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  • ﻣﺪﺕ ﺯﻣﺎﻥ : 365 ﺭﻭﺯ
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  • قیمت ویژه : 1,900,000تومان

Modeling the Risk of Intraoperative Hypotension.

Nathan, Naveen MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006354

Volume 136(2) pgs. 193-420,e7-e14 February 2023

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Preoperative Identification of Patient-Dependent Blood Pressure Targets Associated With Low Risk of Intraoperative Hypotension During Noncardiac Surgery.

Schnetz, Michael P. MD, PhD *; Danks, David J. PhD +; Mahajan, Aman MD, PhD, MBA *,++,[S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006238

Intraoperative hypotension (IOH) is strongly linked to organ system injuries and postoperative death. Blood pressure itself is a powerful predictor of IOH; however, it is unclear which pressures carry the lowest risk and may be leveraged to prevent subsequent hypotension.

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Exploring Links Between Pregnancy, Hypertension, and Sleep Apnea.

Nathan, Naveen MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006352

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Gravidas With Chronic Hypertension Compared to Matched Controls: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Dominguez, Jennifer E. MD, MHS *; Grotegut, Chad A. MD, MHS +; Wright, Mary Cooter MS *; Habib, Ashraf S. MBBCh, MSc, MHSc, FRCA *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006223

Previous studies of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) risk in gravidas with chronic hypertension (cHTN) did not control for obesity as a risk factor for OSA. We therefore performed this study to evaluate whether OSA is more prevalent among gravidas with cHTN compared to normotensive gravidas matched for body mass index (BMI) and gestational age (primary outcome). We also assessed whether OSA is more severe when comorbid with cHTN in pregnancy (secondary outcome).

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A Call to Arms: Ambulatory Surgery Center Care of Cardiac Patients.

Perry, Tjorvi E. MD, MMSc *; Bartos, Jason MD, PhD +; Hutchins, Jacob MD, MHA *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006319

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Pro-Con Debate: Are Patients With Coronary Stents Suitable for Free-Standing Ambulatory Surgery Centers?.

Rosero, Eric B. MD, MSc *; Rajan, Niraja MD +; Joshi, Girish P. MBBS, MD, FFARCSI *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006237

AB With increasing implantation of coronary artery stents over the past 2 decades, it is inevitable that anesthesiologists practicing in the outpatient setting will need to determine whether these patients are suitable for procedures at a free-standing ambulatory surgery center (ASC).

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The Anesthesia Workforce Crisis Revisited.

Morriss, Wayne W. MBChB, FANZCA *; Enright, Angela C. MB, FRCPC +

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006189

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The Specialist Anesthesiology Workforce in East, Central, and Southern Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Asingei, Juventine MPH *; O'Flynn, Eric P. MSc +; O'Donovan, Diarmuid T. MD *; Masuka, Sophia C. MBA ++; Mashava, Doreen MMed, FCA, ECSA ++; Akello, Faith V. PGDip [S]; Ulisubisya, Mpoki M. MMed, FCA, ECSA ++

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006134

The populations of the East, Central, and Southern African regions receive only a fraction of the surgical procedures they require, and patients are more likely to die after surgery than the global average.

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Comparer Pommes et Oranges: Perils of Translating Rodent Studies to Human Outcomes.

McCann, Mary Ellen MD, MPH; Soriano, Sulpicio G. MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006329

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Consequences of General Anesthesia in Infancy on Behavior and Brain Structure.

Salaun, Jean-Philippe MD, PhD *,+; Chagnot, Audrey PhD *; Cachia, Arnaud PhD ++,[S]; Poirel, Nicolas PhD ++,[S],[//]; Datin-Dorriere, Valerie MD, PhD ++,[//],[P]; Dujarrier, Cleo MSc *; Lemarchand, Eloise PhD *; Rolland, Marine MD *,+; Delalande, Lisa PhD ++; Gressens, Pierre MD, PhD #; Guillois, Bernard MD [S]; Houde, Olivier PhD ++,[S],[//]; Levard, Damien MSc *; Gakuba, Clement MD, PhD *,+; Moyon, Marine PhD ++; Naveau, Mikael PhD **; Orliac, Francois MD, PhD ++,[//]; Orliaguet, Gilles MD, PhD ++; Hanouz, Jean-Luc MD, PhD +,++++; Agin, Veronique PhD *; Borst, Gregoire PhD ++,[S]; Vivien, Denis PhD *,[S][S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006233

One in 7 children will need general anesthesia (GA) before the age of 3. Brain toxicity of anesthetics is controversial. Our objective was to clarify whether exposure of GA to the developing brain could lead to lasting behavioral and structural brain changes.

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Association Between the FRAIL Scale and Postoperative Complications in Older Surgical Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Gong, Selena BhSc *,+; Qian, Dorothy BhSc *,+; Riazi, Sheila MD, FRCPC *,+,++; Chung, Frances MD, FRCPC *,++; Englesakis, Marina MLIS [S]; Li, Qixuan MSc [//]; Huszti, Ella PhD [//]; Wong, Jean MD, FRCPC *,+,[S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006272

Several frailty screening tools have been shown to predict mortality and complications after surgery. However, these tools were developed for in-person evaluation and cannot be used during virtual assessments before surgery.

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Level of Evidence of Guidelines for Perioperative Management of Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Evaluation Using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II Tool.

Singh, Mandeep MD, MSc, FRCPC *,+,++,[S]; Tian, Chenchen MD *,+; Hyman, Jaime B. MD [//]; Siddiqui, Shahla MD, MSc [P]; Auckley, Dennis MD #; Khanna, Ashish K. MD **,++; Wong, Jean MD *,+,++; Englesakis, Marina MLIS *; Singh, Kawal Preet MBBS *; Ramachandran, Satya Krishna MD [P]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006320

AB Currently, the quality of guidelines for the perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is unknown, leaving anesthesiologists to make perioperative management decisions with some degree of uncertainty.

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Resident Physicians as Clinical Educators in Anesthesiology: A Narrative Review.

Hoyler, Marguerite M. MD; Pryor, Kane O. MD; Gotian, Ruth EdD, MS; Brumberger, Eric D. MD; Chan, June M. MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006243

AB The importance of resident physicians as clinical educators is widely acknowledged in many clinical specialties and by national accreditation organizations for medical education. Within anesthesiology training programs, there is growing attention to the role of trainees as clinical educators.

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Pulmonary Vasodilator Response of Combined Inhaled Epoprostenol and Inhaled Milrinone in Cardiac Surgical Patients.

Elmi-Sarabi, Mahsa MSc *; Jarry, Stephanie MSc *; Couture, Etienne J. MD +; Haddad, Francois MD ++; Cogan, Jennifer MD *; Sweatt, Andrew J. MD [S]; Rousseau-Saine, Nicolas MD *; Beaubien-Souligny, William MD, PhD [//]; Fortier, Annik MSc [P]; Denault, Andre Y. MD, PhD *,#

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006192

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) and right ventricular (RV) dysfunction are major complications in cardiac surgery. Intraoperative management of patients at high risk of RV failure should aim to reduce RV afterload and optimize RV filling pressures, while avoiding systemic hypotension, to facilitate weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).

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Nationwide Clinical Practice Patterns of Anesthesiology Critical Care Physicians: A Survey to Members of the Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists.

Shaefi, Shahzad MD, MPH *; Pannu, Ameeka MD *; Mueller, Ariel L. MA +; Flynn, Brigid MD ++; Evans, Adam MD, MBA [S]; Jabaley, Craig S. MD [//]; Mladinov, Domagoj MD, PhD [P]; Wall, Michael MD #; Siddiqui, Shahla MD, MSc *; Douin, David J. MD **; Boone, M. Dustin MD, MPH ++; Monteith, Erika BS *; Abalama, Vivian IOM, CAE ++++; Nunnally, Mark E. MD [S][S]; Cobas, Miguel MD [//][//]; Warner, Matthew A. MD [P][P]; Stevens, Robert D. MD ##

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006160

Despite the growing contributions of critical care anesthesiologists to clinical practice, research, and administrative leadership of intensive care units (ICUs), relatively little is known about the subspecialty-specific clinical practice environment.

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Prevalence and Outcomes of Opioid Use Disorder in Pediatric Surgical Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Alalade, Emmanuel MD *,+; Mpody, Christian MD, PhD, MPH, MBA *,+; Owusu-Bediako, Ekua MD *,+; Tobias, Joseph MD *,+; Nafiu, Olubukola O. MD, FRCA, MS *,+

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006038

Chronic opioid use among adolescents is a leading preventable public health problem in the United States. Consequently, a sizable proportion of surgical patients in this age group may have a comorbid opioid use disorder (OUD).

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Health Care Burden Associated With Adolescent Prolonged Opioid Use After Surgery.

Cummings Joyner, Alice Kate MS *; King, Michael R. MD +; Safranek, Conrad BS ++; Parvathinathan, Gomathy MS [S]; De Souza, Elizabeth PhD [S]; Anderson, T. Anthony PhD, MD [S]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006111

Prolonged opioid use after surgery (POUS), defined as the filling of at least 1 opioid prescription filled between 90 and 180 days after surgery, has been shown to increase health care costs and utilization in adult populations.

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Reducing Volatile Anesthetic Waste Using a Commercial Electronic Health Record Clinical Decision Support Tool to Lower Fresh Gas Flows.

Olmos, Andrea V. MD *; Robinowitz, David MD +; Feiner, John R. MD ++; Chen, Catherine L. MD, MPH ++,[S],[//]; Gandhi, Seema MD ++

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006242

Volatile anesthetic consumption can be reduced by minimizing excessive fresh gas flows (FGFs). Currently, it is unknown whether decision support tools embedded within commercial electronic health record systems can be successfully adopted to achieve long-term reductions in FGF rates.

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Effect of 5% EMLA Cream on Postoperative Sore Throat in Adults Following General Endotracheal Anesthesia: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study.

Murugaiyan, Abishek MD; Sahoo, Alok Kumar MD, IDCC; Rao, Parnandi Bhaskar MD; Misra, Satyajeet MD, DNB, PDCC, TOE (EACVI)

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006269

Postoperative sore throat (POST) is a distressing complaint in adults after endotracheal intubation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of topical application of a eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) cream over the endotracheal tube (ETT) cuff on the incidence and severity of POST, cough, and hoarseness of voice in adults after surgery.

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Always Assess the Raw Electroencephalogram: Why Automated Burst Suppression Detection May Not Detect All Episodes.

Fleischmann, Antonia MD; Georgii, Marie-Therese MD; Schuessler, Jule MD; Schneider, Gerhard MD; Pilge, Stefanie MD; Kreuzer, Matthias PhD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006098

Electroencephalogram (EEG)-based monitors of anesthesia are used to assess patients' level of sedation and hypnosis as well as to detect burst suppression during surgery.

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Effects of Goal-Directed Hemodynamic Therapy Using a Noninvasive Finger-Cuff Monitoring Device on Intraoperative Cerebral Oxygenation and Early Delayed Neurocognitive Recovery in Patients Undergoing Beach Chair Position Shoulder Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Lee, Chen-Tse MD *; Lin, Chih-Peng MD, PhD *; Chan, Kuang-Cheng MD *; Wu, Yi-Luen MD +; Teng, Hsiao-Chun MD *; Wu, Chun-Yu MD, PhD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006200

Perioperative cerebral desaturation events (CDEs) and delayed neurocognitive recovery are common among patients undergoing beach chair position (BCP) shoulder surgery and may be caused by cerebral hypoperfusion.

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Complications and Technical Consideration of Ultrasound-Guided Rectus Sheath Blocks: A Retrospective Analysis of 4033 Patients.

Kwon, Hyun-Jung MD *; Kim, Yeon Ju MD *; Kim, Youngmu MD *; Kim, Seonjin MD +; Cho, Hakmoo MD +; Lee, Jong-Hyuk MD, PhD *; Kim, Doo-Hwan MD, PhD *; Jeong, Sung-Moon MD, PhD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006282

Although the ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block (RSB) is usually regarded as an easy and safe procedure in clinical settings, there is currently no report on complications incidence.

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OCP002, a Mixed Agonist of Opioid and Cannabinoid Receptors, Produces Potent Antinociception With Minimized Side Effects.

Xu, Biao PhD *; Zhang, Qinqin PhD *; Chen, Dan PhD *; Zhang, Mengna PhD *; Zhang, Run PhD *; Zhao, Weidong MS *; Qiu, Yu PhD +; Xu, Kangtai MS *; Xiao, Jian MS *; Niu, Jiandong MS *; Shi, Yonghang MS *; Li, Ning PhD *; Fang, Quan PhD *

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006266

Increasing attention has been attracted to the development of bifunctional compounds to minimize the side effects of opioid analgesics. Pharmacological studies have verified the functional interaction between opioid and cannabinoid systems in pain management, suggesting that coactivation of the opioid and cannabinoid receptors may provide synergistic analgesia with fewer adverse reactions.

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What Is New in Obstetric Anesthesia: The 2021 Gerard W. Ostheimer Lecture.

Lim, Grace MD, MSc *,+

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006051

Ostheimer lecture is given annually to members of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology. This lecture summarizes new and emerging literature that informs the clinical practice of obstetric anesthesiologists. In this review, some of the most influential articles discussed in the 2021 virtual lecture are highlighted.

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Improving Patient Blood Management Programs: An Implementation Science Approach.

Ozawa, Sherri MSN *,+,++; Ozawa-Morriello, Joshua BSN [S]; Perelman, Seth MD [//]; Thorpe, Elora MSN *; Rock, Rebecca RN [P]; Pearse, Bronwyn L. PhD #,**

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006273

AB Organized patient blood management (PBM) programs function in numerous hospitals and health systems around the world contributing to improved patient outcomes as well as increased patient engagement, decreased resource use, and reductions in health care costs. PBM "programming" ranges from the implementation of single strategies/initiatives to comprehensive programs led by dedicated clinicians and PBM committees, employing the use of multiple PBM strategies.

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Beyond Ether Day: Betsey Magoun, The Forgotten Patient.

Firth, Paul G. MBChB, BA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006290

AB Although the analgesic effects of ether were conclusively established during a series of public demonstrations of anesthesia at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1846, ether anesthesia was neither immediately nor universally introduced into practice.

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Meeting Report: First Cardiovascular Outcomes Research in Perioperative Medicine Conference.

Bartels, Karsten MD, PhD, MBA *,+; Howard-Quijano, Kimberly MD, MS ++; Prin, Meghan MD, MS [S]; Shaefi, Shahzad MD, MPH [//]; Steppan, Jochen MD [P]; Sun, Eric C. MD, PhD #; Williams, Brittney MD **; Fox, Amanda A. MD, MPH ++; Namuyonga, Judith MD ++++; Shaw, Andrew D. MB, FRCA, FFICM [S][S]; Vavilala, Monica S. MD [//][//]; Sessler, Daniel I. MD +,[P][P]

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006248

AB The first Cardiovascular Outcomes Research in Perioperative Medicine (COR-PM) conference took place on May 13, 2022, in Palm Springs, CA, and online. Here, we: (1) summarize the background, objective, and aims of the COR-PM meeting; (2) describe the conduct of the meeting; and (3) outline future directions for scientific meetings aimed at fostering high-quality clinical research in the broader perioperative medicine community. (C) 2023 International Anesthesia Research Society

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Compelling Evidence for Effectiveness of Cricoid Pressure in Occluding the Esophageal Entrance: Where Do We Go From Here?.

Salem, M. Ramez MD; Khorasani, Arjang MD; Zeidan, Ahed MD; Crystal, George J. PhD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006291

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Does Bloodless Care Significantly Improve Patient Outcomes?.

Lee, Sangho MD, PhD; Choi, Jeong-Hyun MD, PhD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006296

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In Response.

Frank, Steven M. MD; Chaturvedi, Shruti MBBS; Resar, Linda M. S. MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006297

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Is Parallel Processing With Anesthesia Induction Rooms and Early Operating Room Cleaning Safe and Efficient?.

Timko, Noah J. BS, BHS; Mraovic, Boris MD, FASA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006315

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In Response.

Kaddoum, Roland MD; Aouad, Marie T. MD

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006316

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The King's Three Questions: Applying the Tenets of Tolstoy in Our Clinical Practice.

Ashok, Vighnesh MD, FRCA

doi : 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006317

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