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June 2024 Stroke Highlights

Sur, Nicole B. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.047585

2024, Volume 55 (6)

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Normobaric Hyperoxia Combined With Endovascular Treatment Based on Temporal Gradient: A Dose-Escalation Study

Li, Weili MD*Wang, Sifei MD*Liu, Lan PhDChen, Jiahao MDLan, Jing MDDing, Jiayue MDChen, Zhiying MDYuan, Shuhua MDQi, Zhifeng PhDWei, Ming MDJi, Xunming MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.046106

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Hemorrhagic Transformation in Noncardioembolic Acute Ischemic Stroke: MRI Analysis From PACIFIC-STROKE

Chen, Chih-Hao MD, PhDShoamanesh, Ashkan MDColorado, Pablo MDSaad, Feryal MDLemmens, Robin MD, PhDDe Marchis, Gian Marco MD, MScCaso, Valeria MD, PhDXu, Lizhen PhDHeenan, Laura MScMasjuan, Jaime MD, PhDChristensen, Hanne MD, PhDConnolly, Stuart J. MDKhatri, Pooja MD, MScMundl, Hardi MDHart, Robert G. MDSmith, Eric E. MD, MPH

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045204

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Endovascular Versus Medical Management in Distal Medium Vessel Occlusion Stroke: The DUSK Study

Mohammaden, Mahmoud H. MD, PhD, MScSouza Viana, Lorena MDAbdelhamid, Hend MDOlive-Gadea, Marta MDRodrigo-Gisbert, Marc MDRequena, Manuel MDMartins, Pedro N.Matsoukas, Stavros MDSchuldt, Braxton R. BAFifi, Johanna T. MDFarooqui, Mudassir MDVivanco-Suarez, Juan MDOrtega-Gutierrez, Santiago MD, MScKlein, Piers MAAbdalkader, Mohamad MDVigilante, Nicholas BSSiegler, James E. MDMoreira Ferreira, Felipe MDPeng, Sophia MDAlaraj, Ali MDHaussen, Diogo C. MDNguyen, Thanh N. MDNogueira, Raul G. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045228

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Fracture Risk Among Stroke Survivors According to Poststroke Disability Status and Stroke Type

Lee, Dagyeong MD*Cho, In Young MD*Chang, Won Hyuk MD, PhDYoo, Jung Eun MD, PhDChoi, Hea Lim MDPark, Junhee MDShin, Dong Wook MD, MBA, DrPHHan, Kyungdo PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044953

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Mapping the Ecological Terrain of Stroke Prehospital Delay: A Nationwide Registry Study

Dhand, Amar MD, DPhilReeves, Mathew J. BVSc, PhDMu, Yi MPHRosner, Bernard A. PhDRothfeld-Wehrwein, Zachary R. PhDNieves, Amber MPHDhongade, Vrushali A. MBBS, MS, MBEJarman, Molly PhD, MPHBergmark, Regan W. MD, MPHSemco, Robert S. BScAder, Jeremy MD, MBAMarshall, Brandon D.L. PhDGoedel, William C. PhDFonarow, Gregg C. MDSmith, Eric E. MD, MPHSaver, Jeffrey L. MDSchwamm, Lee H. MDSheth, Kevin N. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045521

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Implementing Telestroke in the Inpatient Setting: Identifying Factors for Success

Pestka, Deborah L. PharmD, PhDBoes, Samuel BSRamezani, Solmaz MDPeters, Maya MPHUsher, Michael G. MD, PhDKoopmeiners, Joseph S. PhDBeebe, Timothy J. PhDMelton, Genevieve B. MD, PhDStreib, Christopher D. MD, MS

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.046024

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Arterial Recanalization During Interhospital Transfer for Thrombectomy

Seners, Pierre MD, PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Seners, Pierre MD, PhDWouters, Anke MD, PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Wouters, Anke MD, PhDTer Schiphorst, Adrien MD, MScLink to author's ORCID page: Ter Schiphorst, Adrien MD, MScYuen, Nicole MScLink to author's ORCID page: Yuen, Nicole MScMlynash, Michael MD, MScLink to author's ORCID page: Mlynash, Michael MD, MScArquizan, Caroline MDLink to author's ORCID page: Arquizan, Caroline MDHeit, Jeremy J. MD, PhDKemp, Stephanie BSChristensen, Soren PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Christensen, Soren PhDSablot, Denis MDLink to author's ORCID page: Sablot, Denis MDWacongne, Anne MDLink to author's ORCID page: Wacongne, Anne MDLalu, Thibault MDCostalat, Vincent MD, PhDLansberg, Maarten G. MD, PhDAlbers, Gregory W. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Albers, Gregory W. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046694

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Genetically Determined Plasma Hepatocyte Growth Factor Levels Are Associated With the Risk and Prognosis of Ischemic Stroke

Xu, Qingyun MD*Guo, Daoxia MD, PhD*Shi, Mengyao MD, PhDWang, Yinan MDYang, Pinni MD, PhDJia, Yiming MDSun, Lulu MDLiu, Yi MDChang, Xinyue MDHe, Yu MDHui, Li MD, PhDZhang, Yonghong MD, PhDZhu, Zhengbao MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045430

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Global, Regional, and National Burdens of Stroke in Children and Adolescents From 1990 to 2019: A Population-Based Study

Sun, Hao PhD*Ma, Bing PhD*Jin, Chenye MD*Li, Zhenning MD*Song, Xinying MD*Bu, Yifan MDLiu, Tingting MDHan, Xu MDYang, Xue MDYang, Kaijie MDXu, Dongchu MDZhang, Jing PhDLi, Yongze PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044827

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Moderating Effects of Informal Care on the Relationship Between ADL Limitations and Adverse Outcomes in Stroke Survivors

Chou, Aileen PT, DPT, PhDBeach, Scott R. PhDLutz, Barbara J. PhD, RN, CRRN, PHNA-BC, FAANRodakowski, Juleen OTD, MS, OTR/LTerhorst, Lauren PhDFreburger, Janet K. PT, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045427

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Head Injury and Risk of Incident Ischemic Stroke in Community-Dwelling Adults

Elser, Holly MD, PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Elser, Holly MD, PhDPappalardo, Laura W. MD, PhD, PharmDGottesman, Rebecca F. MD, PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Gottesman, Rebecca F. MD, PhDCoresh, Josef MD, PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Coresh, Josef MD, PhDDiaz-Arrastia, Ramon MD, PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon MD, PhDMosley, Thomas H. PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Mosley, Thomas H. PhDKasner, Scott E. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Kasner, Scott E. MDKoton, Silvia PhD, MOccH, RN*Link to author's ORCID page: Koton, Silvia PhD, MOccH, RNSchneider, Andrea L.C. MD, PhD*Link to author's ORCID page: Schneider, Andrea L.C. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.046443

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Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mortality and Functional Outcomes Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Becerril-Gaitan, Andrea MDLink to author's ORCID page: Becerril-Gaitan, Andrea MDMokua, Collins BSLiu, Collin MDNguyen, Tien BSLink to author's ORCID page: Nguyen, Tien BSShaker, Faris MBChBLink to author's ORCID page: Shaker, Faris MBChBNguyen, Justin BSLink to author's ORCID page: Nguyen, Justin BSGusdon, Aaron M. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Gusdon, Aaron M. MDBrown, Robert J. MDCochran, Joseph MDBlackburn, Spiros MDLink to author's ORCID page: Blackburn, Spiros MDChen, Peng Roc MDLink to author's ORCID page: Chen, Peng Roc MDDannenbaum, Mark MDChoi, Huimahn A. MDChen, Ching-Jen MDLink to author's ORCID page: Chen, Ching-Jen MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045489

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Risk Factors for Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Genome-Wide Association Study and Mendelian Randomization Analyses

Larsson, Susanna C. PhDChen, Jie MDGill, Dipender MD, PhDBurgess, Stephen PhDYuan, Shuai PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046249

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Comparing Outcomes of Thrombectomy Versus Intravenous Thrombolysis Based on Middle Cerebral Artery M2 Occlusion Features

Zhou, Huan MM*Zhong, Wansi MD*Zhang, Tingxia MMXu, Chenghua MDZhong, Genlong MDLink to author's ORCID page: Zhong, Genlong MDXie, Guomin MDLink to author's ORCID page: Xie, Guomin MDZhang, Bing MDChen, Hongfang MDWang, En MDXu, Dongjuan MDCheng, Chaochan MDYang, Jiansheng MDLou, Min PhD, MDLink to author's ORCID page: Lou, Min PhD, MDYan, Shenqiang MDLink to author's ORCID page: Yan, Shenqiang MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044986

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Association of Incident Stroke Risk With an IL-18-Centered Inflammatory Network Biomarker Composite

Martirosian, Richard A. MDWiedner, Crystal D. PhDSanchez, Jasmin MDMun, Katherine T. MDMarla, Kiran BSTeran, Cristina BSThirion, Marissa BALiebeskind, David S. MDMcGrath, Emer R. MD, PhDZucker, Jared M. BSBernal, Rebecca MSBeiser, Alexa S. PhDDeCarli, Charles MDHimali, Jayandra J. PhDSeshadri, Sudha MDHinman, Jason D. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044719

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Automated Prediction of Proximal Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusions in Noncontrast Brain Computed Tomography

Kim, Pyeong Eun MSc*Yang, Hyojung BS*Kim, Dongmin PhDSunwoo, Leonard MD, PhDKim, Chi Kyung MD, PhDKim, Beom Joon MD, PhDKim, Joon-Tae MD, PhDRyu, Wi-Sun MD, PhDKim, Ho Sung PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045772

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Exploring Genetic Associations of 3 Types of Risk Factors With Ischemic Stroke: An Integrated Bioinformatics Study

Liu, Yi MD, PhD*Wang, Weili MD, MMedSci*Cui, Xin MD, PhDLyu, Jian MD, PhDXie, Yanming MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044424

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Stroke Recovery–Related Changes in Cortical Reactivity Based on Modulation of Intracortical Inhibition

Harquel, Sylvain PhD*Link to author's ORCID page: Harquel, Sylvain PhDCadic-Melchior, Andéol PhD*Link to author's ORCID page: Cadic-Melchior, Andéol PhDMorishita, Takuya PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Morishita, Takuya PhDFleury, Lisa PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Fleury, Lisa PhDWiton, Adrien PhDCeroni, Martino MScLink to author's ORCID page: Ceroni, Martino MScBrügger, Julia PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Brügger, Julia PhDMeyer, Nathalie H. PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Meyer, Nathalie H. PhDEvangelista, Giorgia G. PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Evangelista, Giorgia G. PhDEgger, Philip PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Egger, Philip PhDBeanato, Elena PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Beanato, Elena PhDMenoud, Pauline MScVan de Ville, Dimitri PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Van de Ville, Dimitri PhDMicera, Silvestro PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Micera, Silvestro PhDBlanke, Olaf PhD, MDLéger, Bertrand PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Léger, Bertrand PhDAdolphsen, Jan MDLink to author's ORCID page: Adolphsen, Jan MDJagella, Caroline MDConstantin, Christophe MDLink to author's ORCID page: Constantin, Christophe MDAlvarez, Vincent PhD, MDLink to author's ORCID page: Alvarez, Vincent PhD, MDVuadens, Philippes MDTurlan, Jean-Luc MDLink to author's ORCID page: Turlan, Jean-Luc MDMühl, Andreas MDBonvin, Christophe MDLink to author's ORCID page: Bonvin, Christophe MDKoch, Philipp J. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Koch, Philipp J. MDWessel, Maximilian J. MDHummel, Friedhelm C. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Hummel, Friedhelm C. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045174

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Near-Infrared II Photobiomodulation Preconditioning Ameliorates Stroke Injury via Phosphorylation of eNOS

Yokomizo, Shinya PhDKopp, Timo MScRoessing, Malte MScMorita, Atsuyo MDLee, Seeun PhDCho, Suin MD, PhDOgawa, Emiyu PhDKomai, Eri MDInoue, Kazumasa PhDFukushi, Masahiro PhDFeil, Susanne PhDKim, Hyung-Hwan PhDBragin, Denis E. PhDGerashchenko, Dmitry MD, PhDHuang, Paul L. MD, PhDKashiwagi, Satoshi MD, PhDAtochin, Dmitriy N. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045358

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SLC22A17 as a Cell Death–Linked Regulator of Tight Junctions in Cerebral Ischemia

Li, Wenlu PhD*Shi, Jingfei PhD*Yu, Zhanyang PhDGarcia-Gabilondo, Miguel MSHeld, Aaron PhDHuang, Lena BSDeng, Wenjun PhDNing, Mingming MD, PhDJi, Xunming MD, PhDRosell, Anna PhDWainger, Brian J. MD, PhDLo, Eng H. PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046736

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Cholestane-3β,5α,6β-Triol Inhibits Acid-Sensing Ion Channels and Reduces Acidosis-Mediated Ischemic Brain Injury

Sun, Huawei MD, PhDYang, Tao BSSimon, Roger MDXiong, Zhi-Gang MD, PhDLeng, Tiandong MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046963

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Infection and Pediatric Arterial Ischemic Stroke Presumably Related to Focal Cerebral Arteriopathy: Data From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tudorache, Raluca MDJaboyedoff, Manon MDGabet, Amélie PhDOlié, Valérie PhDAngoulvant, François MD, PhDTuppin, Philippe MD, PhDLesuffleur, Thomas MScKossorotoff, Manoelle MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045632

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

LDL-c Lowering, Ischemic Stroke, and Small Vessel Disease Brain Imaging Biomarkers: A Mendelian Randomization Study

Dib, Marie-Joe PhDZagkos, Loukas PhDMeena, Devendra DPhilBurgess, Stephen PhDChirinos, Julio A. MD, PhDGill, Dipender MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045297

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Prime Time for a Trial Assessing Safety of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients Treated With Direct Oral Anticoagulants

Boehme, Christian MD, PhDMayer-Suess, Lukas MD, PhDMikšová, Dominika PhDLang, Wilfried MDKnoflach, Michael MDKiechl, Stefan MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.046142

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Impaired Venous Outflow and Lacunar Stroke Outcomes: A Pilot Study

Oh, Hyunju BSShu, Liqi MDAgrawal, KritishaYaghi, Shadi MDGoldstein, Eric D. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046654

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Amnesia, Superior Altitudinal Anopia, and Reversed Clock Phenomenon due to Bilateral Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarcts

Jindal, Jenelle A. MDLe, Scheherazade T. MDLansberg, Maarten G. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045669

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Orolingual Angioedema in Stroke Without r-tPA Treatment: Evidence for Insular and Opercular Contribution

Werner, Ralph MDLink to author's ORCID page: Werner, Ralph MDWöhrle, Johannes C. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046401

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Thromboembolism From Hyoid Bone–Related Direct Carotid Artery Compression

Mutimer, Chloe A. MDCampbell, Bruce C.V. PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.047098

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Advances in the Understanding of Social Determinants of Health in Stroke

Faigle, Roland MD, PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Faigle, Roland MD, PhDTowfighi, Amytis MDLink to author's ORCID page: Towfighi, Amytis MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.041733

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Reimagining Stroke Quality of Care in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Enablement

Schwamm, Lee H. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044251

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: Advancing Knowledge With Neuroimaging

ter Telgte, Annemieke PhDDuering, Marco MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044294

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Twenty Years of Get With The Guidelines-Stroke: Celebrating Past Successes, Lessons Learned, and Future Challenges

Reeves, Mathew J. PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Reeves, Mathew J. PhDFonarow, Gregg C. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Fonarow, Gregg C. MDSmith, Eric E. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Smith, Eric E. MDSheth, Kevin N. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Sheth, Kevin N. MDMesse, Steven R. MDSchwamm, Lee H. MDLink to author's ORCID page: Schwamm, Lee H. MD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046527

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Moyamoya Vasculopathy and Moyamoya-Related Systemic Vasculopathy: A Review With Histopathological and Genetic Viewpoints

Abumiya, Takeo MD, PhDFujimura, Miki MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046999

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Recent Translational Research Models of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease

Prochilo, Grace BAPfeffer, AlissaDu, StephanieKaneko, Naoki MD, PhDLiebeskind, David S. MDHinman, Jason D. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.044520

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Ischemic Stroke and Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Optimize Brain and Cardiac Health

McNamara, Katelyn F. BSMerkler, Alexander E. MD, MSFreeman, James V. MD, MPH, MSKrumholz, Harlan M. MD, SMAhmad, Tariq MD, MPHSharma, Richa MD, MPH

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045623

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Interleukin-2 Mediated Expansion of T-Regulatory Cells as an Ischemic Stroke Therapy

Hurst, David A. MSSohrabji, Farida PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.047357

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Global Access to Stroke Rehabilitation: A Narrative Synthesis of Comparative Highlights

Gandhi, Dorcas B.C. MPTBaggio, Jussara A.O. PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Baggio, Jussara A.O. PhDD’Souza, Jennifer V. MPTLink to author's ORCID page: D’Souza, Jennifer V. MPTUrimubenshi, Gerard PhDLink to author's ORCID page: Urimubenshi, Gerard PhDVijayanand, Pranay J. BPT

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045116

خرید پکیج و مشاهده آنلاین مقاله

Eye Toward Stroke Prevention: Central Retinal Artery Occlusion and Tandem Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion

Cheronis, Chrisoula MDSilverman, Andrew MD, MHSGeorge, Paul M. MD, PhD

doi : 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045957

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Exploring the Inclusion of Person-Centered Care Domains in Stroke Transitions of Care Interventions: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Nelson, Michelle L.A. PhD, ChairMacEachern, Evan MScPrvu Bettger, Janet PhD, FAHACamicia, Michelle PhD, RNGarcía, James J. PhDKapral, Moira K. MDMathiesen, Claranne MN, FAHACameron, Jill I. PhD, Vice Chair

doi : 10.1161/STR.0000000000000462

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