Elevated neutrophils and reduced NK cells are associated with altered tear molecular signatures and clinical sequelae of chronic ocular Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Discriminative performance of ocular surface staining and lid wiper epitheliopathy in dry eye disease: An investigator-masked, prospective registry-based, diagnostic accuracy study
Deep-learning based analysis of in-vivo confocal microscopy images of the subbasal corneal nerve plexus’ inferior whorl in patients with neuropathic corneal pain and dry eye disease
β-Catenin gain of function mutant in mouse periocular neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells impairs embryonic eyelid morphogenesis and leads to blepharophimosis syndrome in mice
Mineralocorticoid receptor expression and the effects of the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone in a murine model of graft-versus-host disease
Meibomian gland lipid alterations and ocular surface sequela in Awat2 knockout murine model of meibomian gland dysfunction and evaporative dry eye disease
“En bloc� combined 270-degree keratolimbal allograft with central lamellar keratoplasty for severe limbal stem cell deficiency secondary to mustard gas exposure
Diagnostic performance and optimal cut-off values for tear film lipid layer grading and thickness in dry eye disease: An investigator-masked, randomised crossover study