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خرید پکیج
تعداد آیتم قابل مشاهده باقیمانده : 3 مورد
نسخه الکترونیک

Estimated number of people who developed MDR/RR-TB (incident cases) in 2022, for countries with at least 1000 incident cases*

Estimated number of people who developed MDR/RR-TB (incident cases) in 2022, for countries with at least 1000 incident cases*

MDR: multidrug-resistant; RR-TB: rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis.

* The eight countries ranked in descending order of the total number of RR-TB incident cases in 2022 are India, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Indonesia, China, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Nigeria.
Reproduced from: Global Tuberculosis Report 2023, World Health Organization, page 20. Copyright © 2023 World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240083851 (Accessed on January 24, 2024).
Graphic 143961 Version 1.0

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