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خرید پکیج
تعداد آیتم قابل مشاهده باقیمانده : 3 مورد
نسخه الکترونیک

Infections that warrant an evaluation of antibody-mediated immunity

Infections that warrant an evaluation of antibody-mediated immunity
Indications Number of episodes
Allergy/Immunology Clinic LSUHSC, New Orleans
2 to 5 years of age >5 years of age
Respiratory and invasive infections
URI treated with antibiotics in last 12 months ≥4 ≥2
Otitis treated with antibiotics (per year) ≥3* ≥2
Rhinosinusitis episodes (per year) ≥2 ≥2
Chronic, treatment-resistant rhinosinusitis (>1 month) ≥1 ≥1
Pneumonias (per year) ≥2 ≥2
Severe invasive infections (sepsis, meningitis, osteomyelitis) ≥1 ≥1
Gastrointestinal infections
Chronic diarrhea due to rotavirus, other ≥1 ≥1
Chronic/recurrent Giardia lamblia infection ≥1 ≥1
Antibiotic use
Need for preventive antibiotic use ≥1 ≥1
LSUHSC: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; URI: upper respiratory tract infection.
* After placement of ventilation tubes.
Adapted from: Sorensen RU, Moore C. Peds Clin N A 2000; 42:1225.
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