INTRODUCTION — Familial disorders of acute leukemia (AL) and myelodysplastic syndromes/neoplasms (MDS) may be present with AL or MDS as the principal clinical feature (ie, without other findings) or in association with other hematologic or systemic manifestations. The diagnosis of familial AL/MDS is based on detection of the causal genetic abnormality in germline tissue (ie, nonhematologic cells). The presence of the deleterious (ie, pathogenic or likely pathogenic) gene variant in the germline distinguishes an inherited disorder from an acquired (ie, somatic) abnormality in the malignant tissue alone. It is important to identify familial AL/MDS to provide optimal management and counseling for the patient and relatives.
This discusses germline disorders in which a predisposition to AL and/or MDS is the principal presenting feature.
Disorders with an inherited predisposition to AL and/or MDS in association with other prominent systemic manifestations (eg, Down syndrome, neurofibromatosis type I) and inherited bone marrow failure syndromes (eg, Fanconi anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, Dyskeratosis congenita, and other telomere biology disorders) or other cancer risks (eg, Li Fraumeni syndrome) are discussed separately.
●(See "Down syndrome: Clinical features and diagnosis".)
●(See "Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) of Down syndrome (DS)".)
●(See "Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1): Pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis".)
●(See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Fanconi anemia".)
●(See "Shwachman-Diamond syndrome".)
●(See "Dyskeratosis congenita and other telomere biology disorders".)
●(See "Li-Fraumeni syndrome".)
TERMINOLOGY — Following is our preferred terminology for familial conditions.
●Variant versus mutation – Variant refers to a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence that differs from the common reference wild-type sequence. In human genetics, the term variant is preferred over mutation, which is considered by some to be pejorative.
Gene variants are not necessarily deleterious; the clinical significance of gene variants is described according to a five-tier system standardized by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association of Molecular Pathology [1,2], as follows:
•Pathogenic (P)
•Likely pathogenic (LP)
•Variant of uncertain significance (VUS)
•Likely benign (LB)
•Benign (B)
P and LP variants are deleterious variants (commonly or colloquially referred to as mutations) that are considered causative for elevated cancer risk. It is important to recognize that B, LB, and VUS variants are also germline, but they are not known to be deleterious and, therefore, should not be equated with deleterious variants. For some variants, the categorization can change over time. As an example, a VUS may be downgraded to LB or B as new information about its functional effects and/or segregation within affected individuals or families is understood better; less often, a VUS may be upgraded to LP or P.
●Inherited/familial versus germline – The terms inherited and familial can be used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings compared to the term germline:
•Inherited or familial refers to a trait or an allele that is passed from a parent to child (ie, across generations).
•Germline refers to an allele that is present in the germ cells of an individual, but it is not necessarily inherited from a parent. All inherited variants are germline, but not all germline variants are inherited. To illustrate the distinction, de novo DNA variants may arise spontaneously within germ cells or in the early embryo, but they are not inherited; de novo variants in SAMD9, SAMD9L, and GATA2 are examples of germline variants that are not inherited. (See 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below and 'Monosomy 7 and SAMD9/SAMD9L mutations' below.)
●Inherited/familial versus acquired/somatic variants – Acquired or somatic refers to a variant that develops during an individual's lifetime, in contrast with an inherited/familial variant that is transmitted from a parent. Acquired variants are present in a subset of the body's cells, whereas inherited variants are present in all the body's cells.
●Disorder versus syndrome – We use the term disorder when the only recognized manifestations are hematologic (eg, leukemia, MDS, or other causes of cytopenias or qualitative disorders); we reserve the term syndrome for conditions in which nonhematologic findings (eg, skeletal or cutaneous findings) are also present.
EPIDEMIOLOGY — It is estimated that familial (ie, inherited) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and/or myelodysplastic syndromes/neoplasms (MDS) (table 1) account for 30 to 50 percent of all AML/MDS cases in children, 10 to 20 percent in young adults, and 5 to 10 percent in older adults [3-11].
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in unselected patients with MDS and/or ALs has helped to refine the proportions with germline pathogenic (P)/likely pathogenic (LP) variants. One study identified deleterious germline variants in 4 percent (26 of 588) of unselected pediatric patients with ALs [3]. Among adults, 6 percent (25 of 391) of patients with AML had clinically actionable deleterious variants in genes known to increase cancer risk [11]. Analysis of patients with MDS who underwent allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) and their related stem cell donors reported ≥1 deleterious variant in 7 percent (28 of 404) of patients across the age spectrum, with a peak in adolescents (3 of 9 patients) [12].
These studies described above probably underrepresent the true prevalence because some studies did not include evaluation for all known familial AL/MDS genes, specific variant types (eg, copy number or noncoding variants) were not always included, some excluded patients with deleterious variants if germline status could not be confirmed, and many families with clusters of hematologic cancers test negative for all currently recognized deleterious variants. Prevalence of specific disorders and syndromes is discussed in the sections below. (See 'Clinical features of inherited AL/MDS disorders' below.)
Most familial conditions appear to be associated with independently arising deleterious variants rather than recurrent or founder variants that occur in a particular population. However, variations in prevalence according to race, ethnicity, or geography are beginning to be recognized. As an example, specific recurrent deleterious variants are found in DDX41, with p.D140fs and p.M1? common in populations of European ancestry versus p.A500fs in populations of Asian ancestry [13].
EVALUATION OF PATIENTS WITH AL OR MDS — Evaluation for a familial disorder in a patient with AL or MDS includes a screening history, focused physical examination, genetic counseling, and diagnostic genetic testing when indicated.
Whom and when to evaluate — Familial AL/MDS may be suspected in any child or adult under the age of 50 with MDS or in a child or adult when either of the following is noted:
●Findings from screening history and/or physical examination – All children and adults with AL or MDS should have a screening history and physical examination at the time of initial diagnosis or referral for treatment [14]. (See 'Screening history/exam' below.)
If suggestive clinical findings emerge later in the patient's course of disease or in relatives, the screening evaluation should be repeated at that time. (See 'Screening history/exam' below.)
●Suspicious laboratory or molecular/cytogenetic features – In some cases, certain laboratory findings (eg, unexplained macrocytosis) or molecular/cytogenetic features in the patient's MDS/AL can suggest the possibility of a familial disorder. (See 'Suggestive molecular/cytogenetic findings' below.)
Diagnostic germline genetic testing is required to confirm the diagnosis and can be performed by the clinician treating the AL/MDS or by referral to an experienced genetic counselor or specialty center. (See 'Who should perform genetic testing?' below.)
Screening history/exam — All children and adults with AL or MDS should have a screening evaluation, which includes a personal and family history and a physical examination, with special attention to features that increase the probability of an inherited disorder. In some cases, an evaluation of family members can identify additional features of an inherited disorder.
Based on the high frequency of deleterious germline variants in patients <50 years with MDS or acute myeloid leukemia (AML), all such patients should have germline genetic testing regardless of family history or syndromic features [3-6].
Findings from the screening evaluation influence the most likely disorders, the yield and urgency of testing, and support the decision to proceed with diagnostic genetic testing and/or refer the patient to a specialist for further evaluation for MDS/AML/acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at any age. (See 'Diagnostic genetic testing' below and 'Referral and counseling' below.)
The screening evaluation should inquire about the presence and age of onset of the following conditions in the patient and family members and note the presence of corresponding findings on examination (figure 1):
●Prior diagnosis of a familial AL/MDS syndrome or previous evaluation/testing for a familial syndrome (table 1)
●MDS in a patient ≤50 years
●Aplastic anemia, MDS, AML, ALL, or other hematologic malignancies in the patient and ≥1 relative within two generations
●Unexplained leukopenia, anemia, and/or thrombocytopenia in the patient and/or ≥1 relative within two successive generations
●Patients ≥2 cancers, including those with AL or MDS that arose after treatment of a prior malignancy
●Families with a pattern of cancers that fit into a recognized cancer predisposition syndrome (eg, hereditary breast ovarian, prostate, pancreatic cancer syndromes, Lynch syndrome, etc)
●Recurrent or atypical infections and/or immune deficiency/autoinflammatory disorder
●Organ system abnormalities
•Skin (eg, hyper- or hypopigmented patches, café au lait macules), mucosa (eg, oral leukoplakia), hair (premature graying), or nail abnormalities
•Extensive cutaneous or anogenital warts
•Primary lymphedema
•Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, or early onset emphysema
•Unexplained liver cirrhosis or fibrosis
•Congenital anomalies, especially thumb/forearm
•Short stature
•Nystagmus or ataxia
•Cognitive dysfunction
Findings from the screening evaluation may suggest a particular familial disorder, enabling a clinical diagnosis in some cases. For others, it can inform the testing strategy for individuals who have not been diagnosed previously with a familial disorder, as described below. (See 'Testing strategies' below.)
Suggestive molecular/cytogenetic findings — Germline abnormalities may first be detected when molecular testing is performed on an AL or MDS specimen for prognostic or therapeutic purposes, as many of these panels now include genes that are known to cause inherited MDS/AL [15]. It is important for clinicians to recognize that these alleles may be present in malignant cells because they are, in fact, germline variants. Testing of the specific variant in a germline tissue source or performing familial segregation is necessary to determine if it is inherited or acquired. (See 'Diagnostic genetic testing' below.)
Examples of findings that warrant evaluation to exclude a heritable (ie, germline) abnormality (table 1) include:
●Biallelic mutant CEBPA (see 'Familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated CEBPA' below)
●DDX41 mutation (see 'Familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated DDX41' below)
●GATA2 mutation (see 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below)
●Monosomy 7 in children with AL/MDS (see "Acute myeloid leukemia: Children and adolescents")
●Recurrent or founder-inherited cancer susceptibility variants (eg, CHEK2 1100delC, ANKRD26 5'UTR mutations)
●TP53 gene variant in a patient with low hypodiploid ALL or personal/family history fitting Li Fraumeni syndrome criteria (see 'Familial acute lymphoblastic leukemia due to TP53 mutation' below and "Li-Fraumeni syndrome")
EVALUATION OF OTHERS — Relatives and potential hematopoietic stem cell donors for individuals diagnosed with an inherited disorder should be evaluated for that specific disorder.
Relatives — First-degree relatives (ie, siblings, parents, children) of individuals diagnosed with a familial AL/MDS disorder should be evaluated to determine if they carry the same germline variant and may themselves have associated health risks. In general, the evaluation of relatives should be performed by a genetic counselor or clinician with expertise in these disorders to provide optimal counseling and management. For disorders with health implications for children (eg, bleeding/bruising risk from platelet dysfunction or a substantial risk of MDS/AL or other cancers in childhood), evaluation and genetic testing of at-risk children should be performed by pediatric cancer risk professionals. (See 'Referral and counseling' below.)
The evaluation of relatives should include a screening health history, physical examination, and a thorough pedigree to identify other relatives who may be at risk. Pretest and post-test genetic counseling is important for the individual (or caregivers) to understand genetic findings and the health implications. (See 'Screening history/exam' above.)
Most currently recognized familial AL and MDS disorders are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, so first-degree relatives have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the same gene variant. By contrast, inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, which may also be associated with familial AL/MDS (eg, Schwachman-Diamond syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita, Fanconi anemia), are more often inherited in an autosomal recessive or another mode of inheritance. (See "Shwachman-Diamond syndrome" and "Dyskeratosis congenita and other telomere biology disorders" and "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Fanconi anemia".)
Genetic anticipation has been observed in some familial AL and MDS syndromes (ie, a child may present with symptoms earlier in life than a parent), while others are incompletely penetrant (ie, individuals carrying the familial variant may never develop syndrome-specific health problems or MDS/AL) [16-18]. Some disorders can appear de novo and, as such, are presumably germline but not inherited. These features can make the family history appear to lack other affected individuals, but clinical evaluation and genetic testing for the familial variant may reveal others who have not yet developed clinical symptoms or whose clinical features are present but were not previously recognized as part of a familial AL/MDS disorder.
Typical presentations, age of onset of clinical findings, and diagnostic testing for specific disorders are described in the sections below. (See 'Clinical features of inherited AL/MDS disorders' below.)
Early identification of at-risk family members enables optimal management of hematopoietic abnormalities and/or systemic manifestations and facilitates monitoring for the development of a malignancy. In some cases, recognition of an underlying familial disorder can avoid misdiagnosis and/or improper treatment. As an example, individuals with inherited disorders that are associated with thrombocytopenia might erroneously be diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and receive inappropriate treatment. (See 'Management' below.)
Potential hematopoietic stem cell donors — Transplantation with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells that carry the same genetic variant as the transplant recipient can result in adverse outcomes, such as failure to engraft, poor graft function, and/or donor-derived hematologic malignancies [19]. Absolute risks for these adverse outcomes are not yet established for each disorder. Whenever possible, the use of a donor who does not carry a deleterious variant in a familial MDS/AL risk gene is strongly preferred; however, this decision must be individualized, with consideration of the particular gene, allele variant, patient situation, and alternative donor options. We use the following approach to facilitate this risk/benefit determination:
●All potential donors for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) should be evaluated for a familial AL/MDS condition by screening history and physical examination, as described above. (See 'Screening history/exam' above.)
●Before donor eligibility decisions are finalized:
•Related donors – Potential related donors in a family with a known familial AL/MDS disorder should be tested for the known germline variant. Allogeneic HCT presents unique pressures for related potential donors who must balance a desire to help their sick relative versus learning the results of genetic testing (which they might not otherwise favor). Genetic counseling in these situations requires special consideration and expertise and should include information on if/how a specific variant may impact their candidacy as a donor as well as future health risks.
•Unrelated donors – For potential unrelated donors who have features of a familial AL/MDS disorder based on predonation clinical evaluation, we suggest referral to a provider with expertise in these disorders for additional work-up before donor eligibility decisions are finalized. (See 'Referral and counseling' below.)
•Molecular testing after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation – After allogeneic HCT, the donor is sometimes tested for gene variants that were present in the HCT recipient's prior hematologic malignancy. This has the potential to identify deleterious germline variants in the donor cells if donor engraftment is high. We generally test the donor only for the somatic variants that were found in the recipient's malignant cells; donor consent should be obtained if broader testing is considered. Reporting structures do not currently exist to readily report such findings to donors, especially for unrelated and umbilical cord donors.
Some familial disorders are first recognized when an apparently healthy individual is found to have unexplained macrocytosis, thrombocytopenia, or failure to mobilize sufficient peripheral blood stem cells while undergoing evaluation as a potential stem cell donor [19,20]. Such findings should prompt evaluation for a diagnosis of a familial disorder, as described below. (See 'Screening history/exam' above and 'Broader testing' below.)
Who should be tested? — There is no consensus, but we perform diagnostic genetic testing in the following settings:
●History or physical examination of a patient with AL or MDS identifies findings suggestive of a familial disorder. (See 'Screening history/exam' above.)
●Particular cytogenetic/molecular findings of AL/MDS cells suggest a possible familial syndrome:
•Biallelic mutated CEBPA. (See 'Familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated CEBPA' below.)
•DDX41 mutation. (See 'Familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated DDX41' below.)
•GATA2/SAMD9/SAMD9L/ANKRD26 mutation or monosomy 7 in a child with AL or MDS [21,22]. (See 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below and 'Monosomy 7 and SAMD9/SAMD9L mutations' below and 'Thrombocytopenia 2 (germline ANKRD26 mutations)' below.)
●MDS or acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients <50 years.
●Consideration of germline testing should be given for a deleterious variant recognized as a known cancer predisposition allele present at a variant allele frequency (VAF) consistent with germline status (generally VAF 30 to 60 percent).
●A family member is diagnosed with a familial disorder or syndrome. (See 'Relatives' above.)
●Potential related hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) donors to an individual who is to undergo transplantation for an inherited disorder. (See 'Potential hematopoietic stem cell donors' above.)
Some experts favor germline genetic testing in all patients with MDS/AML, given that the positive testing rate is >5 percent in all age deciles, as discussed above. (See 'Epidemiology' above.)
Who should perform genetic testing? — Individuals who require genetic testing should be referred to a genetic counselor or clinician trained in genetic medicine with access to specialized testing resources and experience with interpreting and managing the findings. The referral to a specialist for testing and further management is discussed below. (See 'Referral and counseling' below.)
Types of genetic testing — Two categories of genetic testing may be used to diagnose a familial AL/MDS disorder:
●Gene panel/DNA sequencing – Next-generation sequencing (NGS) provides a cost-effective, broad-based approach for identifying specific gene variants.
DNA sequencing can be performed as whole genome sequencing (WGS; the most comprehensive testing), augmented whole exome sequencing (WES; which includes extra probes that allow sequencing of noncoding regions that are not covered well by standard WES), or targeted gene panels. Since new predisposition genes continue to be discovered, broader testing options allow reanalysis for the causative allele over time. Sanger sequencing of single genes or a specific familial variant are also options.
●Genomic rearrangements and copy number variants – Microarrays, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification-based (MLPA) assays, WGS/augmented WES, optical genome mapping, and specially designed targeted NGS assays can detect genomic rearrangements and/or copy number variants.
It is important to pay attention to whether testing for genomic rearrangements or copy number variants is included in the test that you are ordering or if this must be ordered separately. The proportion of copy number variants among familial conditions varies by disorder; this may be 5 percent overall, but the rate is much higher in some disorders (eg, FANCA copy number alterations in Fanconi anemia).
Genetic tests for familial AL/MDS-related genes via single gene assays, gene panels, augmented WES, and even WGS are available from some commercial laboratories or academic centers. The genes that are analyzed and the sample requirements vary, so care is necessary in choosing the best test for an individual patient [23].
Testing strategies are discussed below. (See 'Testing strategies' below.)
Specimens for genetic testing — Cultured skin fibroblasts are generally the preferred source for germline genetic testing when there is a history of allogeneic HCT, active blood involvement by a hematologic malignancy, and/or a significant chance of finding residual somatic variants in the blood (eg, residual clonal hematopoiesis in a patient with MDS). However, the choice of specimen may be informed by the urgency of testing, sample requirements of the reference laboratory, and the ability of a local laboratory to process particular samples; it is important to check laboratory requirements prior to sending a specimen for testing. Benefits and limitations of various tissue types are summarized in the table (table 2).
●Cultured skin fibroblasts – Cultured skin fibroblasts are generally preferred for genetic testing when a hematologic malignancy involves peripheral blood or bone marrow and in patients who have undergone allogeneic HCT. They provide a ready source of nonhematologic tissue to identify germline variants. However, the use of cultured skin fibroblasts may entail additional expenses (eg, for the biopsy and culture procedures) and may require extra time for cell growth (eg, three to four weeks) prior to genetic testing. This additional time (an estimated average of eight weeks from biopsy to results) may not be acceptable if results are required urgently.
Skin fibroblasts are grown from a 3 mm punch skin biopsy or small skin ellipse (eg, from the site of the skin nick for a bone marrow biopsy). A Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)-certified laboratory must process and culture the specimen before sending it to the reference laboratory for genetic testing.
When results are required urgently, we generally submit a different tissue source (eg, a washed direct skin punch) for immediate genetic testing while simultaneously submitting a second skin biopsy specimen for culture in case DNA was insufficient and/or additional confirmatory genetic testing is needed. The latter approach is also useful in cases for which skin fibroblasts have a higher likelihood of failing to grow well in culture, as in individuals with telomere biology disorders or those post allogeneic stem cell transplantation [24].
Other tissues that may be used for genetic testing for an inherited condition include:
●Saliva and buccal swabs – Saliva or buccal swabs are readily available, inexpensive, and can provide epithelial cells as an alternative tissue source for genetic testing, but the specimen may be contaminated by malignant cells from peripheral blood, which can cloud the distinction between germline and acquired variants [25-27].
●Peripheral blood – Blood specimens may be the only readily available tissue that meets requirements for urgent testing by some laboratories. If such a sample is used, the patient should be counseled that findings may require confirmation with a specimen of nonhematologic tissue.
●Remission blood or bone marrow – Blood or bone marrow from patients in remission can be considered for germline testing if they have not previously undergone allogeneic HCT. However, such testing should recognize potential confounding factors:
•For some patients with a morphologic remission, acquired mutations may be detected as measurable residual disease (MRD) [28] or can represent residual clonal hematopoiesis (CH; eg, in a patient with MDS). (See "Acute myeloid leukemia: Induction therapy in medically fit adults", section on 'Measurable residual disease'.)
•Healthy individuals with CH can have mutations that are also seen in AL/MDS, such as DNMT3A, TET2, or ASXL1. TP53 may also be found in patients who have been treated previously for another cancer diagnosis [29]. Assessing whether these mutations are germline versus acquired can be difficult using peripheral blood or bone marrow alone. (See "Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) and related disorders of clonal hematopoiesis", section on 'Excluding a germline mutation'.)
●Hair and nails – Hair follicles (from a "hair pluck") and nails (eg, nail clippings) are easy to obtain, but they provide only limited amounts of DNA, and many laboratories do not accept these samples for clinical testing. Moreover, nail samples may contain DNA derived from monocytes; in some types of leukemia, the monocytes may be part of the malignant clone.
Testing strategies — The germline status of a DNA variant can be determined by testing DNA derived from a source considered equivalent to the germline in the patient (eg, cultured skin fibroblasts or hair follicles). Segregation of a variant within a family can be useful in some circumstances, but it is limited by the requirement that the variant is present in at least two individuals; this may not occur if, by chance, the allele is not inherited by a particular relative, or if the patient's variant does not involve their germ cells (ie, individuals with mosaic variants [ie, variants that are present in some but not all tissues]).
The clinical setting determines the preferred testing strategy. Cost and/or insurance reimbursement for testing will vary by the test, laboratory, and setting.
Testing for a specific abnormality — Selective testing for a particular genetic abnormality is performed when a specific familial AL/MDS genetic abnormality has been diagnosed previously.
Settings in which selective testing may be performed include:
●A patient with AL or MDS who has a relative who was diagnosed previously with a familial disorder and for whom the specific causative variant is known.
●A patient who has cytogenetic/molecular findings in AL/MDS cells that suggest a specific familial disorder (eg, biallelic CEBPA mutations, DDX41 mutation, GATA2 mutation in a child with AL or MDS). Distinguishing acquired mutations from germline variants is discussed separately. (See "Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) and related disorders of clonal hematopoiesis", section on 'Excluding a germline mutation'.)
●Family members who are being considered as allogeneic HCT donors for an individual who has been diagnosed with a familial disorder and for whom the causative variant is known.
Testing of a single genetic abnormality typically requires at least two to four weeks. Molecular testing for most familial AL/MDS disorders can be performed by commercial laboratories, but certain rare disorders may require referral to a specialty clinic/laboratory for testing. The tests that are required for diagnosis depend on the disorder, as described in the sections below. (See 'Clinical features of inherited AL/MDS disorders' below.)
Broader testing — Broader genetic testing is required when a specific familial AL/MDS disorder has not previously been diagnosed.
The clinical setting can inform the testing strategy. As an example, if there are different familial cancer or hereditary hematology patterns on the maternal and paternal sides, a broader genetic testing approach may be required even for individuals with a known familial AL/MDS disorder on one side of the family. Importantly, broader testing for an as-of-yet unidentified disorder usually requires both NGS and genomic rearrangement/copy number variant testing to detect all potential causative variant types.
Clinical diagnostic criteria, which enable a diagnosis based on clinical findings alone, are not yet established for most familial AL/MDS disorders. However, in many cases, the evaluation of a patient with an as-of-yet unidentified inherited disorder is informed by clinical findings. Initial testing should generally focus on more common disorders associated with a particular clinical presentation. As an example, in a patient with biallelic CEBPA pathologic variants in AML cells and no associated clinical findings, initial testing might initially focus on CEBPA variants. (See 'Disorders without other clinical manifestations' below.)
Broader testing typically requires an investigation for more than one disorder. Because the evaluation of an unknown disorder may require eight or more weeks to complete, the testing strategy depends on the urgency of the clinical situation. As an example, if allogeneic HCT for AL/MDS is planned for the near future, it may be necessary to test for multiple possible diagnoses simultaneously, while concurrently testing both the patient and potential allogeneic HCT donors. Testing can generally proceed with less urgency in other clinical situations. In some cases, initially testing for a small number of disorders or even a serial (sequential) gene-by-gene approach is possible, but the advantages of these approaches can be offset by the potential for increased cost and testing fatigue by both the patient and provider.
If both NGS and genomic rearrangement/copy number variant testing are needed, care should be taken to ensure that both categories (ie, NGS plus genomic rearrangement/copy number variant testing) are included in the testing strategy ordered, since some laboratories utilize different methodologies to detect and/or code them as two separate tests [30] (table 1). (See 'Types of genetic testing' above.)
Examples of clinical presentations that may suggest a particular disorder include:
●Initial presentation with AL/MDS and no other findings (see 'Disorders without other clinical manifestations' below)
●Bone marrow failure in the patient and/or family members (see 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below and 'Familial aplastic anemia/MDS with SRP72 mutation' below)
●Unexplained anemia/macrocytosis (eg, TERT/TERC), leukopenia (eg, TERC, GATA2), or thrombocytopenia/excessive bleeding or bruising in the patient or relatives (eg, RUNX1, ETV6, or ANKRD26) (see 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below and "Congenital neutropenia" and 'Syndromes featuring platelet abnormalities' below)
●MDS or aplastic anemia in a child, especially with monosomy 7 (see 'Monosomy 7 and SAMD9/SAMD9L mutations' below and 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below)
●Myeloproliferative neoplasms (see 'Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition (14q32 duplications)' below)
●Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (see 'Familial acute lymphoblastic leukemia disorders' below)
●Other cancers at an early age (eg, bone and soft tissue sarcomas, breast cancer, brain tumors, adrenocortical carcinoma) (see 'Familial acute lymphoblastic leukemia due to TP53 mutation' below)
●Other organ system abnormalities
•Severe and/or recurrent infections (eg, atypical mycobacterial, fungal, or viral infections) or immune deficiencies (eg, monocytopenia, B lymphopenia) (see 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below)
•Skin (eg, hyper- or hypopigmented patches or café au lait macules), mucosal (eg, oral leukoplakia), or nail disorders (see 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below and 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below)
•Extensive cutaneous or anogenital warts (see 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below)
•Primary lymphedema (see 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below)
•Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (see 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below and 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below)
•Unexplained liver cirrhosis or fibrosis (eg, telomere biology disorders) (see 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below and "Dyskeratosis congenita and other telomere biology disorders")
•Congenital limb anomalies (eg, Fanconi anemia, Diamond-Blackfan anemia, MECOM-associated syndrome) (see 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below and 'MECOM-associated syndrome' below)
•Deafness (see 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below and 'Familial aplastic anemia/MDS with SRP72 mutation' below)
Certain inherited AL/MDS syndromes are associated with other prominent systemic manifestations (eg, Down syndrome, neurofibromatosis type I) or inherited bone marrow failure (eg, Fanconi anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome); these conditions are discussed separately. (See "Down syndrome: Clinical features and diagnosis" and "Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1): Pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis" and "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Fanconi anemia" and "Shwachman-Diamond syndrome".)
MANAGEMENT — In most cases, monitoring and management of a familial AL/MDS disorder is best handled in a center that has experience with the disorder or managed locally with consultation and continued advice from such a center.
Referral and counseling — In general, a referral to a cancer genetics clinic, medical geneticist, genetic counselor, or other cancer risk specialist is important for genetic counseling, confirming the diagnosis of a familial disorder, and evaluating relatives of an affected individual.
Many clinicians choose to refer a patient with AL/MDS to a specialty clinic for initial diagnostic testing based on findings from the initial screening history and examination, urgency of the clinical situation, available resources, and experience of the practitioner. A referral is also appropriate for the interpretation of test results or confirmation of the diagnosis and for a detailed assessment of the pedigree. The urgency of referral depends on concerns and preferences of the individual and the medical stability of the patient with AL/MDS.
The relatives of an individual with a diagnosed inherited condition should be referred to a specialist to develop a comprehensive plan for monitoring for malignancies, cytopenias, other organ system complications, and genetic counseling, if not already done.
Monitoring — The optimal schedule and nature of monitoring has not yet been established, and no evidence-based guidelines are currently available. Monitoring should be individualized based on the underlying diagnosis and the severity of presentation; age; associated hematologic abnormalities (eg, cytopenias or qualitative abnormalities), syndromic features, or organ dysfunction; hematologic or other malignancies; overall health status; and preferences of the affected individual and caregiver(s).
For individuals who have not developed hematopoietic malignancies, regular complete blood counts (CBC) and physical exams should be performed. Obtaining a CBC once or twice per year is reasonable for an asymptomatic patient with no hematologic abnormalities (ie, normal CBC and blood smear) or other complications.
Depending on the disorder, for healthy individuals with a significant near-term risk of MDS/acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or other hematologic abnormalities, we generally perform a bone marrow examination at the time that an individual is diagnosed with a familial disorder to serve as a baseline. We repeat that examination if there is a significant change in blood counts or other worrisome signs or symptoms develop. Routine surveillance of bone marrows, even without changes in blood counts, should be considered for patients with conditions that confer substantial risk for MDS/AL, as cases of MDS have been identified without major changes in blood counts [31] (eg, Fanconi anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome). (See 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below.)
Treatment — For a patient who has developed MDS or AL in the context of a familial AL/MDS disorder, management is guided by the type of malignancy (eg, AL, MDS) and clinical or laboratory abnormalities associated with the condition. Importantly, certain conditions require distinctive management because conventional care can be associated with excessive toxicity, unusual complications, and/or lack of efficacy (eg, inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, Li-Fraumeni syndrome). (See 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below and 'Familial acute lymphoblastic leukemia due to TP53 mutation' below.)
●The detection of a germline pathogenic variant should prompt a discussion of the timing of an allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) since chemotherapy alone (ie, no transplantation) does not remove the underlying predisposition to future hematologic malignancies, bone marrow failure, or immunodeficiency.
●If allogeneic HCT is planned, potential related donors should undergo genetic testing to identify those relatives who carry the familial variant. A careful risk/benefit discussion with both the donor and recipient is required to determine the optimal donor, weighing the patient's clinical situation, donor options, and specific underlying variant. Whenever possible, we prefer to utilize a donor without the familial variant, but the decision must be individualized. Unrelated donors from the international registries and umbilical cord units do not routinely undergo screening by family history or germline testing, but numerous cases have documented the introduction of a deleterious germline variant via unrelated donor HCT, especially for relatively common disorders (eg, CHEK2, DDX41). (See 'Potential hematopoietic stem cell donors' above.)
●Affected individuals of childbearing age should be counseled about the availability of preimplantation genetic testing and procedures for pretransplant fertility preservation.
●Some disorders require specific aspects of care. Examples include screening for human papillomavirus (HPV)-related malignancies, head and neck cancer, and anogenital cancer in patients with familial MDS/AML with mutated GATA2 or telomere biology disorders. (See 'Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2' below and 'Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes' below and "Dyskeratosis congenita and other telomere biology disorders".)
CLINICAL FEATURES OF INHERITED AL/MDS DISORDERS — Clinical features of known inherited disorders of AL and MDS (table 1) are detailed in the sections that follow.
Disorders without other clinical manifestations — For the following inherited disorders, typically patients present initially with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or MDS because there are no other commonly associated hematologic or systemic manifestations.
Familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated CEBPA — CEBPA-associated familial AML (OMIM 116897) (table 1) is associated with the development of AML but not with other malignancies or hematologic abnormalities.
●Presentation – Individuals with familial AML with mutated CEBPA typically have no other hematopoietic or systemic manifestations prior to the development of AML [32,33]. AML develops between ages 2 to 59 in nearly all individuals who carry the mutation [32,34,35]. The leukemia usually features a normal karyotype, Auer rods are common, and there is aberrant expression of CD7 [32,33].
●Prevalence – The prevalence is not well-defined, but indirect evidence suggests that familial AML with CEBPA mutation may account for up to 1 percent of all AML based on the following reasoning: CEBPA mutations have been reported in 9 percent of all AML and in 15 to 18 percent of AML with normal karyotype [36-38], and germline variants were reported in 7 (5 of 71) [38] and 11 percent (2 of 18) [39] of patients with CEBPA mutations. (See "Acute myeloid leukemia: Risk factors and prognosis", section on 'CEBPA'.)
●Genetics – Familial AML with CEBPA mutation (OMIM 116897) is usually associated with inheritance of a single abnormal copy of CEBPA (on chromosome band 19q13.1), in which a frameshift or nonsense mutation disrupts the N-terminus of the protein [32,33]. Gene variants that disrupt the C-terminus have also been described and may be associated with a decreased penetrance compared to the nearly 100 percent penetrance of those that disrupt the N-terminus. A mutation in the second CEBPA allele is acquired at the time of progression to AML [32,39]; GATA2 mutations may also be acquired in this setting [40].
●Testing – Clinical genetic testing is available as single gene next-generation sequencing (NGS) or as a component of some myeloid gene panels. Testing should include sequencing of the entire gene, which can be difficult on NGS platforms due to the GC-rich sequence of this single-exon gene. (See 'Types of genetic testing' above.)
●Management – CEBPA-associated familial AML generally has a favorable prognosis, as does sporadic AML with in-frame bZIP CEBPA mutations [32,34,35]. However, a risk/benefit discussion is needed regarding the use and timing of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) for patients who develop AML, as only transplantation can treat the AML plus replace leukemia-prone stem cells [34]. Molecular analysis has revealed that what were initially thought to be chemotherapy-sensitive late AML relapses are, in fact, independent leukemias that arose from leukemia-prone stem cells with the germline CEBPA mutation that persisted after chemotherapy. Allogeneic HCT donors should be selected carefully to avoid a graft that carries the same gene abnormality; donor-derived AML has been reported when a relative carrying the familial mutation was unknowingly used as a stem cell donor [41]. Treatment of favorable prognosis AML is described separately. (See "Acute myeloid leukemia: Children and adolescents", section on 'Treatment' and "Acute myeloid leukemia in adults: Overview", section on 'Remission induction'.)
Monitoring of individuals who carry the abnormality is described above. (See 'Management' above.)
Familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated DDX41 — Germline mutations of DDX41 (table 1) cause an inherited disorder of hematologic malignancies that generally arise later in life. Males seem to develop malignancies more often than female carriers [42]. This disorder is typically asymptomatic, but it may be associated with unexplained cytopenias for months to years prior to the development of MDS or AML.
●Presentation – Affected individuals are typically asymptomatic and have no systemic manifestations, but they may have cytopenias prior to the development of a hematologic malignancy; the median age of presentation is 61 to 69 years [7,43,44].
Patients generally develop high-grade myeloid neoplasms, including MDS, AML, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML), but other myeloid malignancies (eg, chronic myeloid leukemia [CML] and other myeloproliferative neoplasms) and lymphoid malignancies (most often lymphomas) can occur. Because the malignancies typically arise at an age that falls within the expected age of presentation for sporadic cases of these malignancies in the general population, age alone does not distinguish malignancies associated with the inherited disorder from sporadic cases. The myeloid malignancies generally have a normal karyotype and often acquire a second DDX41 mutation of the other, previously normal DDX41 allele. Solid tumors (eg, colon, gastric, pancreatic, bladder, breast cancer, melanoma) and autoimmune disorders have also been reported in some pedigrees, but a proven association with any particular cancer or other finding has not yet been defined.
●Prevalence – Although the prevalence of germline DDX41 pathogenic variants is uncertain, this appears to be the most common familial MDS/AL disorder found in adults. Testing of >1000 cases of AML identified DDX41 mutations in 1.5 percent, of which one-half were germline variants [43]. In another study, DDX41 pathogenic variants were identified in 43 unrelated patients among 1385 individuals with MDS or AML; the variants were considered likely to be germline and causal in 33 patients (2.4 percent) [7].
●Genetics – Germline mutations of DDX41, located at 5q35.3, include, most commonly, missense and frameshift mutations [43]. Large germline deletions have also been reported [45]. In addition, certain alleles are common in particular populations. As examples, the frameshift mutation p.D140fs and the start-loss allele p.M1? are relatively common in people of Northern European descent, whereas the frameshift mutation p.A500fs is common in individuals of Japanese/Korean/Asian ancestry [13,45,46]. In about one-half of cases, an acquired mutation is found in the second DDX41 allele, suggesting that DDX41 can act as a tumor suppressor in myeloid cells; the most common acquired mutation is p.R525H. DDX41 is a DEAD-box helicase that can bind DNA and also act as a ribonucleic acid (RNA) helicase [47,48]. An increased number of messenger RNAs with splicing abnormalities (eg, exon skipping and/or intron retention) are present in myeloid malignancies with DDX41 mutations [43].
Disease penetrance appears to be high, but these estimates may be overestimated due to ascertainment bias, as the initial reports selected families with multiple cases of MDS and/or AL. Most individuals with MDS/AML who carry a DDX41 deleterious variant do not report a family history of hematologic malignancies. In a given family with an inherited DDX41 variant, males and females are equally likely to inherit the mutation, but males are more often (3:1) the first in a family to be diagnosed with a hematologic malignancy, suggesting that progression to MDS/AML in this disorder may be higher in males than in females [42].
●Testing – When testing adults for a familial disorder, it is important to choose a gene panel that includes DDX41 because not all commercial familial gene panels include this gene [23]. Copy number variant testing should be included, as germline deletions have been reported [13,45].
●Management – Treatment of hematologic malignancies associated with germline variants of DDX41 is similar to that of other AML and MDS [7,43]. There is an increased likelihood for patients with MDS to progress to AML, but both can have an overall favorable prognosis compared to similar sporadic MDS/AML cases without a deleterious germline DDX41 variant [45,49-51]. We generally pursue allogeneic HCT for medically eligible patients who develop AML, both to treat the AML and to replace the leukemia-prone stem cells. Individuals with deleterious germline DDX41 variants are at risk for severe graft versus host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic HCT using wild-type donors, but post-transplant cyclophosphamide may mitigate this [52].
Monitoring of individuals who carry the abnormality is described above. (See 'Management' above.)
Familial acute myeloid leukemia with mutated MBD4 (MBD4-associated neoplasia syndrome) — Germline mutation of MBD4 is a rare autosomal recessive disorder associated with an increased risk for early onset AML, which is also associated with an increased risk for colon polyposis, colon cancer, and uveal melanoma [53-55].
●Presentation – The tumor spectrum for individuals with deleterious germline MBD4 variants includes DNMT3A-related clonal hematopoiesis (CH) leading to AML, colon polyposis leading to colon cancer, and uveal melanoma [53-55].
●Prevalence – Monoallelic MBD4 mutations have been observed in 0.8 percent of cancer patients in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). The prevalence of biallelic deleterious MBD4 variants in MDS/AML is not known.
●Genetics – Individuals with biallelic deleterious germline MBD4 variants were identified because their AML DNA had an unusually high burden of C>T mutations that was discovered as a result of large-scale DNA sequencing [53]. In the initial description of the disorder, homozygous germline deletion of MBD4 was found in one patient, while compound heterozygous MBD4 mutations were found in two sisters who developed AML four years apart (one of whom developed AML after serving as the first sister's stem cell donor). All three cases also had either an IDH1 or IDH2 mutation (all of which arose from C>T transition mutations) or had multiple independent, acquired, biallelic DNMT3A mutations, suggesting a propensity to DNMT3A-mutated CH. Additional cases have been described [54,55].
MBD4 is a glycosylase involved in an initial step of base excision repair of DNA. Modified 5-methylcytosine (m5C) bases in CG dinucleotides may undergo spontaneous deamination, which results in mispaired thymine bases. If the DNA repair machinery, which includes thymine DNA glycosylate (TDG) and MBD4, fails to remove an unpaired thymine, a C>T transition mutation will occur at this position.
●Testing – Suspicion for this condition may be prompted by identifying an unusually high burden of C>T mutations in tumor tissue. Commercial testing for familial predisposition to myeloid malignancies should include MBD4.
●Management – Given the risk for colon polyposis, colon cancer, and uveal melanoma, screening for these conditions is prudent in germline mutation carriers. The age to begin screening and frequency of screening should be individualized according to personal and family history.
Carriers of a monoallelic deleterious MBD4 variant may also be at an increased risk of uveal melanoma [55,56].
Syndromes featuring platelet abnormalities
Presentations associated with platelet abnormalities — In the following syndromes, chronic thrombocytopenia and/or a bleeding/bruising propensity may present before the development of AL or MDS. A subtle clinical presentation or lack of awareness of prior platelet counts in the patient or family members can mask this finding and, in many cases, has been labeled as another platelet disorder (eg, immune thrombocytopenia). The combination of thrombocytopenia with normal platelet size and a family history of AL or MDS may help to differentiate the following syndromes from other inherited causes of thrombocytopenia [57,58]. (See "Causes of thrombocytopenia in children".)
Familial platelet disorder with propensity to myeloid malignancies — Familial platelet disorder with propensity to myeloid malignancies (FPD) (OMIM 601399) (table 1), which is caused by pathogenic variants of RUNX1, is associated with variable degrees of thrombocytopenia, a functional platelet defect, and an increased risk for hematologic malignancies.
●Presentation – Individuals with FPD can display widely variable clinical phenotypes, even within a single family. The classic presentation is longstanding mild to moderate thrombocytopenia; a mild bleeding propensity (with an aspirin-like functional platelet defect); increased/easy bruising; and an increased lifetime risk of developing MDS, AML, and T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) [59,60]. However, some individuals have a normal platelet count and no bleeding propensity, while others have variable quantitative and qualitative platelet abnormalities and develop a hematologic malignancy at early age. Factors that contribute to this clinical heterogeneity are uncertain.
The lifetime risk of AL or MDS is estimated to be 35 to 40 percent, with an average age of onset of a malignancy of 33 years (range: 6 to 76 years) [59,61-67]. The phenotypes of MDS, AML, and T cell ALL in FPD vary widely [59,61-67]. A diverse array of acquired cytogenetic and molecular genetic abnormalities have been observed in FPD-associated malignancies, and they likely contribute to the heterogeneous phenotype. Acquired mutations or loss of the previously normal copy of RUNX1 are common but appear not to be required for the development of the malignancy [67].
●Prevalence – FPD is thought to be the most common disorder among familial syndromes associated with functional platelet defects and risk for hematologic malignancies, but the prevalence is not well-defined. RUNX1 mutations have been identified in 10 to 33 percent of de novo MDS and AML cases [68-71], and among those, about 15 percent are deleterious germline variants [72,73].
●Genetics – FPD is an autosomal dominant syndrome caused by a monoallelic mutation of RUNX1 (chromosome band 21q22) [60]. Pathogenic variants are most often frameshift or nonsense mutations or small deletions that cause premature truncation of the protein; missense mutations in the DNA-binding domain and large genomic rearrangements have also been reported [74].
●Testing – Clinical genetic testing should include sequencing of the entire gene and testing for copy number variants. (See 'Types of genetic testing' above.)
•Bleeding propensity – Unless there is clinical bleeding, affected individuals do not require specific treatment for thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction. Agents that inhibit platelet function should be avoided in those who exhibit a bleeding tendency; site-specific measures to control bleeding (eg, topical agents and pressure for nosebleeds) should be utilized. Platelet transfusions should be on hand prior to major surgery or childbirth and utilized should major bleeding occur, if bleeding at the site would cause significant morbidity, or if the patient's history suggests a high likelihood of bleeding. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched platelets should be considered to avoid alloimmunization, given the lifelong duration of thrombocytopenia in these individuals. (See "Perioperative blood management: Strategies to minimize transfusions".)
•Monitoring for development of a hematologic malignancy – No clinical or laboratory marker is known to predict when a patient with FPD will develop an overt malignancy. Somatic genetic testing of peripheral blood is likely to identify CH that may or may not reflect overt malignancy in bone marrow. In one small study, CH developed in most asymptomatic carriers of germline RUNX1 mutations (cumulative risk >80 percent by age 50 years) [8]. Another study identified mutations in CDC25C in 7 of 13 individuals with FPD; in the two patients with hematologic malignancies, additional mutations were present in the CDC25C-mutated leukemic clones, suggesting that this may be an early event in progression to malignancy [75]. A third study identified CH in 44 percent of 54 asymptomatic carriers with BCOR as the most frequent somatic mutation [76]. Molecular profiling of AML in 35 individuals with FPD showed enrichment for somatic mutations affecting the second RUNX1 allele and GATA2, compared with 137 individuals with sporadic RUNX1-mutated AML; there were fewer somatic mutations in NRAS, SRSF2, DNMT3A, and other genes associated with CH in the familial cases [77].
The US National Institutes of Health is conducting a natural history study of FPD to inform evidence-based guidelines for monitoring and managing patients with FPD. The study seeks to better characterize the phenotype of FPD, establish the prevalence of progression to MDS/AML, and identify biomarkers of progression. A patient advocacy group is available to explore research opportunities and to connect individuals with one another and with expert clinicians.
•Treatment of hematopoietic malignancies – Treatment of hematopoietic malignancies should be based on the optimal therapy for that specific malignancy. We usually favor allogeneic HCT because of the underlying propensity to hematologic complications and further malignancies. HCT donors who carry the mutation should not be utilized as stem cell donors due to a failure to engraft and because donor-derived leukemias have been reported [78].
Thrombocytopenia 2 (germline ANKRD26 mutations) — Thrombocytopenia 2 (THC2; OMIM 188000) (table 1) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by germline ANKRD26 mutations, which presents with moderate thrombocytopenia (with or without a mild bleeding propensity), dysmegakaryopoiesis, and the development of hematopoietic malignancies in adulthood.
●Presentation – THC2 is an autosomal dominant disorder that typically presents with moderate thrombocytopenia, with or without a mild bleeding propensity. Laboratory findings in 78 individuals from 21 affected families included an average platelet count of 48,000/microL (range 7 to 176,000/microL), normal platelet volume, pale platelets (due to decreased platelet alpha-granule content), decreased platelet surface glycoprotein Ia (GPIa), elevated thrombopoietin levels, and variable in vitro platelet aggregation defects [79]. Affected individuals with THC2 have an increased risk of developing MDS, AL, and CML, with onset typically between ages 30 and 70 [80].
Bone marrow morphology often shows evidence of dysmegakaryopoiesis with hypolobated micromegakaryocytes [79,81]. This morphology can be a diagnostic challenge for hematopathologists, as the unilineage dysplasia may be sufficient to warrant a diagnosis of MDS. However, dysmegakaryopoiesis alone without evidence of dysplasia in other lineages or additional acquired cytogenetic or molecular genetic changes diagnostic of MDS could be solely due to the underlying inherited ANKRD26 mutation.
●Prevalence – The prevalence of this inherited disorder is not known. Screening of 215 individuals enrolled on an inherited thrombocytopenia registry identified THC2 in 11 percent [80]. Deleterious germline ANKRD26 variants were identified in 1 of 250 unselected AML cases [82].
●Genetics – THC2 is caused by the inheritance of monoallelic pathogenic variants in ANKRD26 (chromosome band 10p12) [83] that are located in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of the gene [83]. A missense mutation in exon 3 has also been reported [79]. The 5' UTR mutations disrupt the ability of the RUNX1 and FLI1 transcription factors to downregulate ANKRD26 in megakaryocytes, causing excess MAP kinase signaling [84]. Interestingly, attenuating this signaling through the use of a MEK inhibitor reversed in vitro proplatelet formation defects in megakaryocytes derived from a patient with THC2 [84].
●Testing – Clinical testing is available as a component of NGS testing at a limited number of academic centers and commercial laboratories in the United States. Affected patients and family members should be referred to a specialized center for diagnostic testing and management. If a broader genetic testing strategy is employed (eg, whole exome sequencing), it is imperative to clarify if the 5’ UTR of this gene is included before ordering for a patient suspected to have THC2. (See 'Referral and counseling' above.)
●Management – Thrombocytopenia and the mild bleeding tendency in individuals with THC2 should be managed as individuals with FPD with propensity to myeloid malignancies, as described above. (See 'Familial platelet disorder with propensity to myeloid malignancies' above.)
Treatment for hematopoietic malignancies is based on the optimal therapy for that specific malignancy. If allogeneic HCT will be pursued, potential donors who carry the ANKRD26 variant should be excluded.
Thrombocytopenia 5 (germline ETV6 mutations) — Thrombocytopenia 5 (THC5; OMIM 616216) (table 1) is an autosomal dominant syndrome caused by the inheritance of monoallelic mutations of the ETV6 gene and typically presents with moderate thrombocytopenia, with or without a mild bleeding propensity, hypolobulated megakaryocytes, and is associated with hematologic and other malignancies.
●Presentation – Patients with THC5 can present as early as infancy, with variable degrees of thrombocytopenia, normal-sized platelets, and a tendency to mild or moderate bleeding. Bone marrow examination reveals small hypolobulated megakaryocytes and mild dyserythropoiesis. B lymphoblastic leukemia, myeloid leukemias, multiple myeloma, and early onset colorectal cancer have been reported in these individuals [85-87].
●Prevalence – Neither the prevalence of the syndrome nor the frequency of development of an associated malignancy is well-defined. One study of 4405 cases of ALL in children found germline ETV6 variants in 0.8 percent. ALL in carriers of the germline mutation were diagnosed at an older age (10 versus 5 years) and more often had a hyperdiploid karyotype (64 versus 27 percent) [88].
●Genetics – THC5 is an autosomal dominant syndrome caused by the inheritance of monoallelic pathogenic variants of ETV6 (chromosome band 12p13). Germline ETV6 variants are usually missense mutations, but frameshift mutations have been identified. Mutations may disrupt nuclear localization or DNA binding of the ETV6 protein, resulting in reduced expression of platelet-associated genes [89].
●Testing – NGS testing for ETV6 variants is available at certain academic institutions and commercial laboratories. Testing should include sequencing and testing for large deletions of the entire gene [90].
●Management – Management for THC5-associated malignancies is based on the optimal therapy for that specific cancer. Monitoring of patients and testing and monitoring of family members should be performed by a specialized center. (See 'Referral and counseling' above.)
If allogeneic HCT will be pursued, potential donors who carry the ETV6 variant should be excluded.
Syndromes featuring other organ system manifestations
Familial MDS/acute myeloid leukemia with mutated GATA2 — The syndrome of GATA2 deficiency (OMIM 137295) (table 1) has a heterogeneous presentation and may be associated with MDS, AL, aplastic anemia (AA), congenital neutropenia, or other hematologic abnormalities. It is among the more common inherited AL/MDS disorders, especially in children and young adults with MDS.
•Presentation – Some individuals present without any hematopoietic or organ system manifestations prior to the development of MDS or AML, while others have distinctive syndromic presentations or phenotypes that overlap these syndromes [91-94]. Disorders now considered part of the single spectrum of disease in GATA2 deficiency include Emberger syndrome, MonoMAC, and DCML syndrome [95-97].
•Other presentations
-Hematologic parameters may be normal prior to the development of a hematologic malignancy, or they may reveal monocytopenia, lymphopenia (most commonly, B cells but also NK and CD4 T cells), or, less frequently, neutropenia [91,93,98]. Cytopenias may progress over time in asymptomatic individuals [99]. MDS/AML develops in approximately 70 percent of affected individuals with a median age of onset of 29 years (range 0.4 to 78 years) and most often features a hypocellular bone marrow, dysplastic megakaryocytes, and increased reticulin fibrosis [93,100]. The karyotype is frequently abnormal, commonly with trisomy 8 or monosomy 7 [91-93,101]. Mutations of ASXL1 are frequently acquired at the time of malignant progression, being observed in 14 of 42 individuals (33 percent) with a germline GATA2 pathogenic variant and hematologic malignancy [102]. As in sporadic disease, pathogenic variants of ASXL1 portended a poor prognosis in carriers of germline GATA2 mutations [102,103].
In a series of 57 patients with germline GATA2 mutations who were identified through the recruitment of subjects with primary immunodeficiency, inherited bone marrow failure, or atypical mycobacterial infections, the initial clinical presentation was ≤20 years (5 months to 78 years) and was most often due to infections (64 percent; viral [32 percent], disseminated mycobacterial [28 percent], invasive fungal [4 percent]) followed by MDS/AML (21 percent) and lymphedema (9 percent) [93]. The presence of symptoms was associated with adverse prognosis; only 67 percent survive 20 years after initial symptom onset [93,94]. (See "NK cell deficiency syndromes: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis", section on 'Autosomal dominant GATA2 deficiency' and "Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases: Specific defects", section on 'GATA2 deficiency (MonoMAC syndrome)'.)
●Prevalence – An international series identified germline GATA2 mutations in 7 percent of primary pediatric MDS [92]. Among a small series of familial MDS/AML cases, GATA2 mutations were identified in 4 of 12 (33 percent) [91] and 4 of 27 (15 percent) [9] families. Among children and adolescents with primary MDS and monosomy 7, the prevalence of germline GATA2 mutations was 37 percent overall and varied with age (7 percent for those <6 years; 48 percent for ages 6 to <12 years; 72 percent for ages 12 to 19 years) [92]. Those with GATA2 mutation were more likely to present at an older age (median 12 versus 10 years), have advanced disease at the time of presentation (46 versus 18 percent), and have a positive family history (29 versus 2 percent).
●Genetics – These disorders are caused by monoallelic mutations in GATA2 (chromosome band 3q21.3) [91]. Missense mutations (predominantly in the second zinc finger domain), truncating frameshift or nonsense mutations, large genomic rearrangements, and mutations within a conserved enhancer element within intron 5 have all been reported [93]. Synonymous mutations that affect gene splicing have also been identified [104].
●Testing – Clinical genetic testing should include NGS of the full gene (including the conserved intron 5 enhancer region, which may not be included on all commercial laboratory tests that interrogate this gene) and testing for copy number alterations. If testing is being done due to MDS or AA in a child with monosomy 7, testing for germline mutations in SAMD9/SAMD9L should also be performed [105]. (See 'Types of genetic testing' above.)
•Monitoring – Early identification of individuals with GATA2 deficiency allows screening for and management of any associated organ system manifestations. A multidisciplinary care team, including hematology, infectious disease, pulmonary, and vascular specialists, may be needed to manage multiple affected organ systems. Given the susceptibility to human papillomavirus (HPV)-related and atypical mycobacterial infections in these individuals, one group has recommended early HPV vaccination and azithromycin prophylaxis for all [93].
The high incidence of MDS/AML in this disorder warrants close monitoring. Peripheral blood should be regularly monitored for worsening immunodeficiency (based on monocyte count, lymphocyte subsets, and quantitative immunoglobulins) and changes suggestive of progression to MDS or AML. A baseline bone marrow examination with cytogenetic analysis is strongly recommended, and there should be a low threshold to repeat this if new blood count abnormalities develop. For those with blood count abnormalities, regular bone marrow and cytogenetic monitoring should be considered to enable early transplantation, which is associated with improved outcomes [106,107].
•Allogeneic HCT has been used to treat several manifestations of this disorder, including hematologic malignancies, recurrent severe infections, and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, [93,108] and is the subject of an ongoing clinical trial (NCT01861106). HLA-matched relatives who carry the germline pathogenic variant should be avoided. The optimal timing for allogeneic HCT should be individualized; specific conditioning regimens have been evaluated for individuals with GATA2 mutations [106,107]. Notably, infections and pulmonary abnormalities (eg, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis) resolved in some patients following transplantation.
Monosomy 7 and SAMD9/SAMD9L mutations — Together, inherited mutations of SAMD9 or SAMD9L are a common cause of MDS diagnosed in children, especially in pediatric bone marrow failure/MDS with monosomy 7 [4,105,109].
●Presentation – Clinically, this syndrome may present as bone marrow failure, MDS alone, and/or a wide variety of body system abnormalities. Homozygous deletions of SAMD9 result in normophosphatemic familial tumoral calcinosis (OMIM 610455) and deposition of calcified tumors, whereas heterozygous mutations (OMIM 617053) cause MIRAGE syndrome: adrenal hypoplasia, myelodysplasia with monosomy 7, growth retardation, genital phenotypes, and enteropathy [110]. Heterozygous mutations in SAMD9L (OMIM 159550, OMIM 611170) cause ataxia, pancytopenia, and monosomy 7 MDS [111].
●Prevalence – Mutations of SAMD9 or SAMD9L are a common cause of MDS diagnosed in children, and they account for nearly 20 percent of pediatric cases of bone marrow failure/MDS with monosomy 7 [4,109].
●Genetics – SAMD9 and SAMD9L result from a gene duplication event on chromosome band 7q21.2 [112,113]. Both normal proteins have an inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis. Germline mutations in children are gain-of-function mutations that confer additional growth restriction; with time, the chromosome 7 that includes the mutated SAMD9/SAMD9L alleles may be lost, leading to monosomy 7 with retention of the wild-type allele. This corrects the growth inhibitory effect of the germline mutation, but it may contribute to progression to MDS. In other patients, additional truncating mutations of the variant SAMD9/SAMD9L alleles occur upstream from the germline mutation on the same allele or a genetic reversion event with uniparental disomy of the wild-type allele has been seen, with both of these causing in vivo correction of the bone marrow abnormalities.
●Testing – The tissue that is tested for this syndrome should be nonhematopoietic. In genetic testing of MDS with monosomy 7, the germline variant is often lost with the missing copy of chromosome 7, while the normal wild-type chromosome 7 is retained; in such cases, the germline variant may be found at a lower than expected allelic ratio (ie, lower than the 40 to 60 percent expected for a germline variant) or not at all. In contrast to MDS cells, the expected variant allele frequencies would be found in cultured skin fibroblasts.
●Management – Clinical management is best handled by a multidisciplinary team familiar with these syndromes because individuals with constitutional SAMD9/SAMD9L mutations typically have complex clinical presentations (eg, MIRAGE syndrome, ataxia pancytopenia). (See 'Referral and counseling' above.)
Familial aplastic anemia/MDS with SRP72 mutation — Familial AA/MDS with SRP72 mutation (OMIM 602122) (table 1) is a rare, autosomal dominant cause of familial MDS.
●Presentation – Only two pedigrees with this familial autosomal dominant AA/MDS disorder have been reported [114]. Pancytopenia was observed in childhood in affected individuals in one pedigree, and MDS developed in adulthood in both families. None of the six affected individuals required treatment for the pancytopenia or MDS at the time of the initial report, despite a reported disease duration of several years. Congenital nerve deafness was observed in affected individuals in one pedigree but not the other.
●Prevalence – Only two pedigrees have been reported [114].
●Genetics – One family carried a frameshift truncating mutation and the other a missense mutation in SRP72, a gene whose protein product is a part of the signal recognition peptide complex that controls intracellular protein trafficking [114].
●Testing – NGS testing is available as part of familial bone marrow failure and/or leukemia gene panels at some academic centers and commercial laboratories.
●Management – Management is best handled by a specialized center. (See 'Referral and counseling' above.)
Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition (14q32 duplications) — Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition (14q32 duplications) is a rare disorder that may present with thrombocythemia and/or adult onset of a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) or AML.
●Presentation – The disorder has been reported in four families from the French West Indies, one from North America, and one from Australia [115-117]. Two-thirds of affected individuals initially presented with essential thrombocythemia, of whom one-half progressed to myelofibrosis or AML. MDS, including the refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts (RARS)-T subtype, CMML, CML, and atypical CML have also been reported in carriers of this genomic duplication.
The MPNs in these individuals exhibited acquired mutations that resemble those in sporadic MPNs (ie, 68 percent with JAK2 V617F, 18 percent with CALR mutations, and 9 percent with MPL mutations). Some AMLs had a complex karyotype, and the acquisition of somatic mutations accompanied progression to myelofibrosis or AML (TET2 in 38 percent, IDH2 in 19 percent, IDH1 in 10 percent, and ASXL1 in 5 percent).
●Prevalence – The syndrome was reported in four families from the French West Indies, one from North America, and one from Australia [115-117].
●Genetics – In the families from the French West Indies, germline duplication of a 700 kb region of 14q32.2 was associated with overexpression of ATG2B and GSKIP (which are located within the amplicon); in the Australian and North American families, duplications in the 14q32 region did not include ATG2B and GSKIP. TCL1A is the only gene shared in 14q32 duplications across all families (table 1) [115]. The penetrance of development of malignancy in these families is very high (estimated at >80 percent).
●Testing – Clinical testing for the duplication of 14q32 can be obtained at specialized commercial and academic laboratories. Diagnosis is best handled by a specialized center. (See 'Referral and counseling' above.)
●Management – Management is best handled by a specialized center. (See 'Referral and counseling' above.)
Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes — Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes (IBMFS) include Fanconi anemia (FA); telomere biology disorders (TBDs), such as dyskeratosis congenita (DC), Diamond-Blackfan anemia, and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS); and others, including identified biallelic deleterious germline variants in DCLRE1B (also known as DKCB8, SNM1B, SNMIB, or APOLLO) [118]. IBMFS are most often diagnosed in childhood due to early onset bone marrow failure or from work-up of the systemic manifestations (eg, limb anomalies in FA, pancreatic dysfunction in SDS); a hematologic malignancy is the first manifestation for a subset of patients [119].
An early diagnosis and syndrome-specific management are important to decrease morbidity because patients with FA and TBDs are at an increased risk of toxicity from standard chemotherapy regimens, especially in the transplant setting [120-122]. Clinical characteristics, pathophysiology, genetics, and management of the IBMFS, including the increased risk for toxicity with chemotherapy and transplantation, are discussed separately. (See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Fanconi anemia" and "Shwachman-Diamond syndrome" and "Dyskeratosis congenita and other telomere biology disorders".)
These syndromes can have subtle presentations that delay the diagnosis until the patient presents with AL or MDS [119,123-128]. As examples:
●Fanconi anemia – Approximately 40 percent of affected individuals lack physical anomalies and are also less likely to develop early onset bone marrow failure; 13 percent of patients with low congenital abnormality scores developed marrow failure by age 10 versus 84 percent with high congenital abnormality scores [129]. As a result, these individuals have a higher likelihood of developing a malignancy (eg, MDS, AML, other early onset solid tumors, especially squamous cell carcinomas). (See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Fanconi anemia".)
●Telomere biology disorders – TBDs are caused by abnormalities in the maintenance of telomeres. Familial clustering of hematologic disorders, including cytopenias, AA, MDS, or AML, may be the first clinical manifestations in some pedigrees affected by DC or other TBDs. The classical presentation of DC features the diagnostic triad of oral leukoplakia, reticular skin pigmentation, and nail dystrophy and is most often due to pathogenic variants of DKC1 (OMIM 127550) [130]. Other systemic manifestations include pulmonary fibrosis, early graying of the hair, liver fibrosis/cirrhosis, and early onset squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck or anogenital regions [20,123,131].
Deleterious germline variants associated with excessive telomere shortening or defective telomere maintenance in a subset of telomere associated genes, such as TERT (OMIM 613989 and 187270), TERC (OMIM 127550 and 602322), RTEL1 (OMIM 615190 and 608833), TINF2 (OMIM 613990 and 604319), and PARN (OMIM 616353 and 604212), can cause autosomal dominant TBDs with incomplete penetrance, disease heterogeneity within a single family, and may lack oral and integumentary findings [123,131]. When a family presents with a familial pattern of AL or MDS, or an individual with AA, MDS, or leukemia has a relative with unexplained (even subtle) cytopenias with or without macrocytosis, it is important to specifically inquire about a personal or family history of other manifestations of TBD. Together, germline variants in telomere-associated genes are the second most frequent pathogenic variants that underlie familial MDS/AL; only DDX41 appears to be more common [132]. (See "Dyskeratosis congenita and other telomere biology disorders".)
In contrast, deleterious germline variants in POT1 and other shelterin complex genes have been associated with excessive lengthening of telomeres. POT1 is a shelterin complex component that is recruited to single-stranded telomeric DNA through interactions with the ACD shelterin complex subunit and TPP1. POT1 regulates telomere length and prevents induction of a DNA damage response. Heterozygous deleterious germline variants in POT1 cause an autosomal dominant multicancer predisposition syndrome termed POT1 cancer predisposition syndrome, featuring a wide tumor spectrum that is evolving and includes chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), CH especially involving DNMT3A and JAK2, myeloid leukemias, MPNs, cutaneous melanomas, cardiac angiosarcomas, and gliomas [133-138].
●Severe congenital neutropenia – Congenital neutropenia syndromes (eg, ELANE variants, Kostmann syndrome) occasionally present with AML and/or MDS as the initial clinical finding. (See "Congenital neutropenia", section on 'Severe congenital neutropenia'.)
MECOM-associated syndrome — MECOM-associated syndromes (OMIM 165215 and 616738) manifest a range of hematologic and systemic manifestations.
The phenotype of MECOM-associated syndromes can range from isolated radioulnar synostosis without hematopoietic defects to severe bone marrow failure with normal skeletal development. MECOM-associated syndrome was first described in the context of amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia-2, but congenital variants in the MECOM/EVI1 complex on chromosome 3q26.2 have been associated with hematologic defects (eg, B cell deficiency, bone marrow failure, MDS) and various systemic manifestations (eg, radiosynostosis, clinodactyly, presenile hearing loss, cardiac/renal malformations) [139-144]. A range of genetic variants have been observed, including gene deletions and point mutations. The combination of radioulnar synostosis and B cell deficiency has been associated with mutations in the C-terminal zinc finger.
Familial acute lymphoblastic leukemia disorders
Presentations associated with familial acute lymphoblastic leukemia — Familial presentations of ALL are rare. Inherited pathogenic variants of ETV6, PAX5, and TP53 have been identified as the cause of a familial clustering of ALL without other hematologic or associated organ system manifestations. Other pathogenic variants (eg, SH2B3, IKZF1) are known to cause familial ALL in association with other hematologic, immune, or somatic abnormalities. Inherited ALL disorders are generally associated with B cell ALL. (See "Overview of the clinical presentation and diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma in children".)
Familial ALL, with or without thrombocytopenia or thrombocytopenia alone, has been reported in families with germline pathogenic variants of ETV6 [88]. (See 'Thrombocytopenia 5 (germline ETV6 mutations)' above.)
Familial acute lymphoblastic leukemia due to TP53 mutation — Li-Fraumeni syndrome (OMIM 151623) (table 1) is an inherited autosomal dominant disorder associated with germline variants of TP53. Affected individuals have susceptibility to radiation-associated second malignancies and cancers that appear relatively early in life. TP53 mutations account for rare familial leukemia cases. (See "Li-Fraumeni syndrome".)
Germline variants of TP53 (chromosome band 17p13) are most commonly associated with breast cancer, sarcomas, malignant brain tumors, and adrenal cortical carcinomas, which are considered the core tumors of Li-Fraumeni syndrome [145,146]. Leukemias were seen in only 5 percent of individuals with germline variants of TP53. A germline variant of TP53 was associated with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance of hematologic malignancies in a single pedigree, including three cases of pediatric ALL among a total of five cases of leukemia [147]. All patients with childhood onset hypodiploid ALL should be referred for germline TP53 testing, as one-half have Li-Fraumeni syndrome [146]. Clinical genetic testing should include NGS of the complete gene and testing for copy number variants.
Management of ALL in this setting should be informed by the clinical, pathologic, and molecular features of the leukemia. However, radiation therapy should be avoided, unless it is required for cure, to prevent the risk of radiation-induced malignancies [148].
Familial B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia due to PAX5 mutation — Germline variants in PAX5 (OMIM 615545) (table 1) (chromosome band 9p13) have been associated with B cell ALL, but no other hematologic or organ system manifestations were reported.
Germline variants in PAX5 segregated in an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with the development of B cell ALL in three separate pedigrees [149,150]. Despite widely different ethnic backgrounds, all carried the same pathogenic variant (c.547G>A; which results in substitution of a serine for a glycine at position 183 of the protein); chromosome 9p deletions with retention of the mutated PAX5 allele were present in leukemia cells from all individuals who developed ALL [149,150]. The disorder is variably expressed (incompletely penetrant), as each pedigree contains individuals who carry the pathogenic variant but have not yet developed ALL. NGS testing is available commercially by single gene sequencing or on hereditary leukemia NGS panels.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in association with other abnormalities
●SH2B3 – Homozygous germline pathogenic variants of SH2B3 (OMIM 605093) (table 1) were identified in two siblings who presented with developmental delay, autoimmunity, and chronic hepatitis; one patient developed precursor B cell ALL [151]. Clinical findings would be expected to follow an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. SH2B3 plays important roles in the regulation of lymphoid proliferation and hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis.
●IKZF1 – Heterozygous variants in IKZF1 (IKAROS transcription factor, which has a critical role in hematopoiesis) were associated with B cell ALL in the setting of an autosomal dominant form of common variable immune deficiency (CVID) with age-associated loss of serum immunoglobulins and B cells [152].
Germline IKZF1 variants are associated with T cell, B cell, and myeloid immunodeficiency states and an increased risk of ALL (OMIM 613067 and 603023); the immunodeficiency may be subtle and remain undiagnosed until adulthood [153-158]. One study identified germline IKZF1 pathogenic variants in 0.9 percent of 4963 children with ALL; nearly all occurred in cases of B cell ALL, of which 8 of 21 had high hyperdiploidy. IKZF1 mutations have also been identified in sporadic cases of ALL; notably, BCR-ABL1-positive and CRLF2-rearranged ALL was observed in carriers of germline IKZF1 variants, which mirrors the association of acquired mutations in IKZF1 with BCR-ABL1-positive or Ph-like ALL [156]. (See "Classification, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics of acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma", section on 'Molecular features'.)
SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Acute myeloid leukemia" and "Society guideline links: Bone marrow failure syndromes".)
●Description – Familial disorders of acute leukemia (AL) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) may account for 30 to 50 percent of all cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)/MDS in children, 10 to 20 percent in young adults, and 5 to 10 percent in older adults. (See 'Epidemiology' above.)
●Evaluation of patients with suspected AL/MDS – A familial disorder may be suspected in any child with MDS or when a child or an adult with AL or MDS has:
•Positive findings from screening history and physical examination. (See 'Screening history/exam' above.)
•Certain laboratory or molecular/cytogenetic features of AL/MDS. (See 'Suggestive molecular/cytogenetic findings' above.)
●Evaluation of others – First-degree relatives of a patient with a diagnosed familial AL/MDS and potential related allogeneic transplant donors should be evaluated. (See 'Evaluation of others' above.)
●Diagnostic genetic testing
•Diagnostic genetic testing should be performed when there are positive findings from the screening evaluation or when certain molecular/cytogenetic features are detected in the AL/MDS cells (eg, biallelic mutation of CEBPA, mutated DDX41 or GATA2 or monosomy 7 in a child with AL or MDS). (See 'Who should be tested?' above.)
•Diagnostic testing, available from some commercial laboratories and academic centers, is often best performed by a specialized center with access to testing resources/techniques and experience with interpreting and managing the findings. (See 'Who should perform genetic testing?' above.)
•Genetic testing generally requires techniques for comprehensive sequencing and detection of large-scale genomic rearrangements/copy number variants; for some disorders, testing of specific noncoding regions is needed. Exceptions are informed by the clinical setting and specific disorder. (See 'Types of genetic testing' above.)
•Cultured skin fibroblasts are generally the preferred source for germline genetic testing, but other specimens may be acceptable in certain settings. (See 'Specimens for genetic testing' above.)
•A decision to test for a single genetic abnormality (eg, a specific mutation has previously been detected in the individual or a relative) versus broader genetic testing (eg, a specific familial disorder and/or mutation has not previously been diagnosed) is discussed above. (See 'Testing strategies' above.)
•Referral to a cancer risk specialist (eg, cancer genetics clinic, medical geneticist, genetic counselor) may be useful for establishing/confirming the diagnosis and for genetic counseling of individuals who carry the mutation, whether a hematologic malignancy has been diagnosed. (See 'Referral and counseling' above.)
•The schedule and nature of monitoring should be individualized based on the underlying diagnosis; age; overall health status; associated hematologic abnormalities (eg, cytopenias or qualitative abnormalities), syndromic features, or organ dysfunction; presence and severity of hematologic or other malignancies; and preferences of the affected individual and caregiver(s). (See 'Monitoring' above.)
•For a patient with a familial AL/MDS disorder, management is guided by the type of malignancy and associated clinical or laboratory abnormalities. Importantly, certain disorders require distinctive management because conventional care can be associated with excessive toxicity, unusual complications, and/or lack of efficacy (eg, inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, Li-Fraumeni syndrome). (See 'Treatment' above.)
●Specific disorders – Familial AL/MDS disorders vary widely in prevalence, clinical manifestations (eg, associated malignancies and somatic abnormalities), molecular basis, pattern of transmission, penetrance, and age at presentation (table 1). Some disorders have no known clinical manifestations beyond AL/MDS, whereas other syndromes are associated with protean hematologic findings and/or abnormalities in other organ systems. Specific disorders are described above. (See 'Clinical features of inherited AL/MDS disorders' above.)
21 : SAMD9 and SAMD9L in inherited predisposition to ataxia, pancytopenia, and myeloid malignancies.
40 : GATA2 mutations in sporadic and familial acute myeloid leukaemia patients with CEBPA mutations.
118 : Inherited human Apollo deficiency causes severe bone marrow failure and developmental defects.
145 : Beyond Li Fraumeni Syndrome: clinical characteristics of families with p53 germline mutations.
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